
Field management of planting Chinese herbal medicine Anemarrhena asphodeloides is the key

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Field management of planting Chinese herbal medicine Anemarrhena asphodeloides is the key

Anemarrhena anemarrhena is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which has the effects of clearing heat and purging fire, relieving cough and phlegm, moistening dryness and smooth intestine and calming fetus. It is a large variety of medicinal materials. With fewer and fewer wild Anemarrhena anemarrhena, artificial planting of Anemarrhena anemarrhena has become a major trend. Now the author provides many years of planting experience to the majority of growers, hoping to improve the production quality of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae.

Land selection and land preparation

Loam or sandy loam with loose and fertile conditions for drainage and irrigation should be selected for planting. 4000 kg of farm manure per mu, 20 kg of compound fertilizer, 20 cm deep ploughing and fine raking should be selected to form a flat bed 1.2m wide.

Reproduction method

It can be divided into two types: seed propagation and plant propagation. 1. Seeds reproduce. Seeds can be sown in both spring and autumn. Before sowing, the method is to soak the seeds in warm water of 60 ℃ for 8-12 hours, remove and dry the outer skin, mix it with twice as much wet sand, dig a shallow nest in the sunny warm place, pile the seeds in the nest, and cover the surroundings with agricultural film. About a week later, the germs of most seeds can be sown as soon as they break through the seed coat. Generally, the method of strip sowing is used, that is, the seeds are evenly sown in shallow trenches according to the row spacing of 20 cm, cover with soil of 2 cm, slightly suppressed and watered. Autumn sowing to spring emergence, relatively uniform; spring sowing budding can emerge 7-10 days after sowing, the amount of seed per mu is about 3 kg. two。 Propagate in separate plants. Combined with harvest, the budded end of the rhizome is cut off and cut into small segments of 3-6 cm, each with buds lmur2. Trench according to row spacing 25-30 cm, plant spacing 9-12 cm, cover soil 3-4 cm, water.

Field management

1. Interspersed seedlings, fixed seedlings. After the seeds are propagated, the time should be given to the seedlings. When the seedlings are 10 cm high, the seedlings should be fixed according to the plant spacing of 7-10 cm.

two。 Loosen the soil and cultivate the soil. When 3 true leaves are unearthed from the seedlings, they will hoe and loosen the soil shallowly, and then generally remove weeds and loosen the soil 2-3 times a year. As most of the rhizomes grow in the topsoil layer, we should pay attention to cultivating the soil after rain.

3. Top dressing. 4000 kilograms of farm manure and 20 kilograms of compound fertilizer should be applied per mu, pounded and mixed well, scattered beside the roots, and covered with soil combined with hoeing. Sprinkler irrigation for 1-2 times after topdressing. In addition, during the vigorous growth period of Anemarrhena anemarrhena, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed twice every 10-15 days, which could improve the disease resistance of the plant and promote the growth and expansion of the rhizome.

4. Drainage and irrigation. After sowing, always keep the border surface moist, look at the weather and soil moisture before overwintering, and water the overwintering water at the right time. After sprouting in the next spring, water should be watered at the right time in case of drought. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season.

5. Cover with firewood and grass. In order to improve the soil and keep the soil moist, after loosening the soil at the seedling stage, 800-1000 kg per mu of wheat bran, wheat straw and rice straw were covered once a year for 2-3 years without turning in the middle.

Harvesting and processing

Anemarrhena anemarrhena is generally dug in spring and autumn and harvested once in 2-3 years, yielding 400-700 kg per mu. Remove withered leaves and fibrous roots, sun-dry or dry them into A. anemarrhena; peel off the outer skin of the rhizome while fresh, sun or dry them to get A. anemarrhena.