
Efficient fertilization techniques for sugarcane

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Efficient fertilization techniques for sugarcane

I. Technical essentials of fertilization for sugarcane

1. Deep ploughing

In deep ploughing, according to the principle of two ploughs and two harrows, the depth should be controlled within 50cm, the soil should be loose, and the depth of planting sugarcane furrow should be within 30cm.

2. Shallow species

When planting sugarcane, the soil depth covered is about 5cm.

3. Wide line

The row distance of each sugarcane plant is 90-100cm, which is not only convenient for growers to go in and out for field management, but also conducive to ventilation.

4. Close planting

In the planting ditch, 6 sugarcane species were sown every 100cm, and 3000Mu of double-sprouted sugarcane were sown.

5. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

When fertilizing, it is best to apply farm manure and 1000-2000kg farm manure per mu. After 7-15 days, superphosphate 100kg, urea 25 kg and potassium chloride 15kg were applied to the sugarcane planting ditch.

6. Soaking seeds

When selecting seeds for soaking seeds, we must choose double-bud seedlings that are full, disease-free, harmless and harmless. After selecting the seeds, soak the seeds with 2% lime water for a day or two, which can improve the drought resistance of sugarcane seeds and eliminate diseases and insect pests to a certain extent.

7. The following method

When planting, it should be placed flat in the planting ditch with the buds on both sides. When returning to the soil to cover the seeds, the seedlings should be gently pressed into the soil, and then returned to the soil to facilitate rooting.

8. Control of underground pests

When planting, two or three kilograms of Milol are applied per mu, which can effectively prevent underground cricket grubs and sugarcane borer pests.

2. Two kinds of fertilization for sugarcane

1. Base fertilizer

A. Before planting, 1-2 tons of mature farm manure was applied per mu, combined with 50kg compound fertilizer or sugarcane special fertilizer.

B. 100kg commercial organic fertilizer was applied per mu, combined with 100kg compound fertilizer or special sugarcane fertilizer. After the fertilizer was mixed with the soil, it was applied to cover the soil in the planting ditch.

Note: when applying fertilizer, do not let fertilizer come into direct contact with the seed stem to avoid the occurrence of sprouting.

2. Topdressing

A, attack seedling fertilizer

When three true leaves of sugarcane grow, combined with small cultivation soil, 10kg compound fertilizer or sugarcane special fertilizer and 5kg urea are applied per mu, which is beneficial to the strong seedling of sugarcane and ensure the whole seedling.

B, tillering fertilizer

When 6 true leaves of sugarcane were grown, combined with medium cultivation soil, 20kg compound fertilizer or sugarcane special fertilizer and 10kg urea were applied per mu, which was beneficial to the tillering of sugarcane and ensured the number of effective stems.

C, attack stem fertilizer

In the early stage of elongation, combined with big soil cultivation, 30kg compound fertilizer or sugarcane special fertilizer was applied per mu, which was beneficial to the growth of roots, leaves and stems of sugarcane.