
Green Prevention and Control Technology of Tea

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Green Prevention and Control Technology of Tea

I. intercropping other tree species

In the remaining corner of the slope around the tea garden, some trees such as ginkgo biloba and persimmon are properly planted (it is strictly forbidden to plant Eucalyptus grandis) to improve the microclimate of the tea garden, increase biodiversity and reduce the occurrence of tea plant diseases and pests. Plant about 15 trees per mu, no more than 20.

Second, install solar energy insecticidal lamp

Make use of the phototaxis of pests and install solar energy insecticidal lamps to trap and kill the adults of tea pests such as tea inchworm and tea caterpillar, and reduce the number of eggs to reduce the base of pests. A solar energy insecticidal lamp can prevent and control about 50 mu of tea garden pests.

Third, insert yellow armyworm board

Using the chromotaxis of pests, 20 yellow armyworm boards were planted per mu to attract adults of winged aphids, whitefly whitefly and scale insects, small green leafhoppers and other pests. The lower edge of the yellow board should be about 10 cm higher than the tea canopy surface, and the board surface is perpendicular to the sidewalk.

IV. Release predator mites

In the tea garden, predator mites were released to feed on harmful mites to control the damage. 15 days before the predator mites were released, the base number of harmful mites was reduced by spraying eco-environmental pesticides, and 20 bags of predator mites were put per mu, cut open and hung under the cover of tea trees. After releasing mites, insecticides and acaricides are no longer used.

Fifth, capture sexual attractant catcher

Sexual attractants were used to trap and kill the adults of tea inchworm, tea stinging moth, tea caterpillar and other tea pests. Each set of sex attractants was used to control pests in 1 mu of tea garden.