
Technical skills of cultivating Magnolia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Technical skills of cultivating Magnolia

Gentleman orchid with its gentleman-like quality and beautiful flower shape to save the taste of the majority of people like, then for the breeding of gentleman orchid friends, often encounter two problems: that is, how to cultivate gentleman orchid? How to raise magnolia? Below, we will elaborate on the above two issues on the characteristics of the orchid.

Cymbidium is suitable for indoor culture, which is mainly determined by its internal structure and physiological function. Magnolia is an evergreen perennial herb with strong shade tolerance and thick, dark green leaves. Mesophyll contains a lot of chlorophyll, which can absorb carbon dioxide and water in sunlight, synthesize organic matter for its own growth and development, and release oxygen at the same time. In addition, the broad and thick leaves of Cymbidium grow many pores and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, and in the process of gas exchange, they can absorb a large amount of dust, dust and harmful gases in the room, making the indoor air clean. Therefore, Cymbidium is also known as the absorption machine and dust collector, the protector of human health. So how can this healthy patron saint grow and develop healthily in your home? The family maintenance of Magnolia should mainly start from the aspects of temperature and humidity, soil, moisture, light, nutrition and so on.

As the orchid is native to the mountain forests of South Africa, where the natural environment is like spring all the year round, various parts of the organs of the plant have adapted to this lukewarm natural environment. Therefore, in the daily maintenance process, the temperature should be controlled between 15-25 degrees. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the growth and development of Magnolia is slow, when it falls below 0 degrees, it will freeze to death. Similarly, when the temperature reaches or exceeds 30 degrees, it will seriously affect the normal growth and development of Magnolia.

The leaves of Cymbidium are yellowing, which are mostly physiological diseases, and the inducement is some physiological factors, such as temperature, light and water. Ventilation and so on. To prevent the emergence of yellow leaves, we should find out the cause and treat the disease.

(1) temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 1525 ℃. When the summer temperature exceeds 30CC for a long time, the growth is inhibited. At this time, if the air humidity is less than 6Q%, the leaves of Cymbidium will become shallow, yellow and even wilted; if the humidity is higher than 90%, the stems and leaves will grow too much. In order to prevent the occurrence of these bad phenomena, we should reduce the temperature properly, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, and control humidity. When the temperature dropped below SC, the growth of Cymbidium basically stopped. If the temperature drops to about OC, freezing injury may occur, which will make the leaf tip and leaf edge turn green and yellow, and even appear yellow-white necrotic spots, so we should do a good job of keeping warm in winter to prevent frost injury.

(2) Illumination: Cymbidium is a semi-positive flower, which is fond of scattering light, and too strong light is disadvantageous to its growth and is easy to cause sunburn disease. However, if the light is too dark and lack of light for a long time, the leaves will lose their luster, the old leaves will be dark green, and the new leaves will become thinner, yellow or yellowish green. Some people call this phenomenon of yellow leaves Yin yellow. At this time, the gentleman orchid should be moved to a place with slightly stronger light, and when it is not suitable to move, the light can be used to supplement the illumination.

(3) soil fertilizer: gentleman orchid likes loose and fertile sandy loam, soil consolidation and insufficient supply of fertilizer will make the leaves yellow and affect flowering. At this time, we should increase the application of dilute liquid fertilizer and pay attention to loosening the soil.

(4) moisture: the gentleman orchid likes to be moist, the basin soil is too dry for a long time, and the temperature is high, it is easy to make the leaves yellow. However, too much watering for a long time can easily lead to diseases. Therefore, in the cultivation of Cymbidium, the soil should be kept moist in spring and autumn, slightly dry in dormancy in winter, and the basin soil should not be overheated in summer. the foliage and surrounding ground can be sprayed with fresh water every morning or evening to keep the cool environment.

(5) ventilation: Cymbidium is placed too densely and the surrounding environment is closed, which hinders air circulation and makes the plant thin and yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen indoor ventilation to avoid crowding.

Water is an important part of Cymbidium. According to the determination, 60% of the moisture in the orchid body is 80% of the moisture, especially its fleshy roots have a strong water storage function and strong resistance to drought. Gentleman orchid likes neutral water, clean and pollution-free tap water, well water, river water and so on can be used for watering, but because the water temperature of fresh tap water and well water is lower than the soil temperature and contains some impurities, it should be placed for 1-2 days before use. As for watering, there is also a lot of fastidiousness. The best way for a gentleman's orchid seedling is to spray it with a sprinkler. Spray the nozzle up to the leaf, which has the advantage of not only watering the flowers, but also washing dust, leaving fog beads on the leaf surface to ensure a certain humidity on the leaf surface, and water evaporation in the sun can reduce the leaf surface temperature and prevent sunburn. But the flowering magnolia can not be watered by sprinkler irrigation to waterproof into the leaf sheath resulting in rotten heart, for the flowering magnolia can only be irrigated into the basin. Then when and how much water is appropriate? This mainly depends on the ambient temperature of the magnolia. The general watering principle is to see wet and dry, not dry, dry and thoroughly watered. Watering thoroughly is to keep all the roots of the orchid in the same humidity. Judging whether the water is thoroughly watered or not can not be determined only according to whether there is water flowing out from the bottom of the basin. Because sometimes the basin soil hardens and shrinks into a ball after drying, and after watering, water flows quickly from the basin wall to the basin bottom and out from the bottom hole. The central part of the basin soil does not even touch a little water. If you stop watering at this time, it will wilt the leaves of Magnolia and form an arrow when it is running. Here to teach you a simple and effective watering method is to soak all the flowerpots in a basin or bucket filled with water, soak for half a minute and then take them out. But the disadvantage of doing so is that the nutrients in the soil are relatively easy to lose, so if you want to make the magnolia have deep roots and big leaves, you should also pay attention to replenish it in time. The nutritional elements needed by Magnolia mainly come from organic fertilizers, such as bean cake, peanut cruller, animal offal and so on. Under normal circumstances, it can be applied in spring and autumn within a year. In spring, it was applied once in late April and early May after flowering, and again from mid-September to late October after fruit harvest in autumn.

Magnolia is a humid plant, which requires high humidity of the growing environment. Its most suitable humidity range is 70%, 80%. The magnolia growing in such an environment has green leaves, clear veins, short, wide, neat leaves and high ornamental value. However, due to the limitations of the home environment, it is difficult for ordinary families to meet this standard. This is also the main reason why many people can not raise gentleman orchids well. The sunshine plants of the genus Cymbidium are not strict in light requirements, as long as the temperature is suitable, the light time is longer or shorter can blossom normally, and short-day sunshine in winter and spring is more conducive to flowering. Good lighting is an important condition to ensure the bright color of gentleman orchids. But it still likes the weak light, especially the strong light.

The leaves of Cymbidium have phototaxis, and if they are placed indoors for a long time, the leaves must be deflected in the direction of the sun. As far as its plant shape is concerned, it is difficult to look sideways at a line and look squarely at the ornamental effect of opening a fan.

The arrangement of the gentleman orchid must be in the north-south direction, not in the north-south direction. What if the leaves grow too long? Can pull up the two leaves after clamping up, can be surrounded by a playing card so that it does not hurt the leaves, then the leaves will be corrected in 20 days.

The sturdy fleshy roots of Cymbidium not only store enough water, but also put forward higher requirements for the soil on which they live. Only the nutritious soil with good permeability, loose texture and rich humus is suitable for the growth of fleshy roots of Cymbidium.

Rotten leaves or pine hairs must be fermented before they can be used. Without fermentation, it is easy to burn the roots. The magnolia must change the soil once a year.

The time and times of toppling and changing soil of Cymbidium depends on the size and season of the seedlings. Like these grown-up orchids, they have to change their soil once a year. The best time to change soil is in spring and autumn, because the orchid grows vigorously at this time and will not affect the growth of the plant. Take out the magnolia from the basin, cut off the rotten roots and the old roots without absorptive capacity, and remove the waste soil. Cover the drainage hole of the flowerpot with broken pieces, fill it with 2-5 cm thick nutritious soil, grab a handful of soil to add to the inside of the root, and then put the plant in the pot. When filling the nutrient soil into the pot to half the height of the pot, gently press down with your hand along the edge of the pot, so that the roots stand in the basin and are not easy to bend. The key point of soil replacement is to fill the roots with soil. Otherwise, there is no soil in the root, water and nutrients can not reach the root, which is easy to cause rotten root and arrow entrapment. After changing the nutritious soil, pour water thoroughly.

In fact, in the final analysis, the maintenance knowledge of gentleman orchid is far more than these, and a lot of maintenance knowledge also depends on orchid farmers to explore and accumulate in practice. But you don't have to worry, because many orchids enthusiasts also know that it is difficult to raise a good orchid, but it is not easy to raise it, although this is a joke, but it also shows on the other hand that the orchid is not so delicate. As long as you do more work and pay more attention in ordinary times, you will certainly be able to cultivate a gentleman orchid with luxuriant leaves and bright flowers, and life can naturally add some beauty and fun.

How to water the gentleman orchid:

Cymbidium has more developed fleshy roots, and there is a certain amount of water in the roots, so this kind of flower is more drought-tolerant. However, drought-tolerant flowers should not be seriously short of water, especially in the case of high temperature in summer and dry air, do not forget to water in time, otherwise, the roots and leaves of flowers will be damaged, resulting in the germination of new leaves, and the original leaves are estimated to be scorched, not only affect flowering, but even cause plant death. However, too much watering will rot the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good grasp and always pay attention to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil. if it is semi-dry, it should be watered once, but the amount of water should not be much. It is just right to keep the basin soil moist and not damp.

So, how many days should it be watered? Under normal circumstances, it is watered once a day in spring; in summer, the leaf surface and the surrounding ground can be watered with a fine spray kettle, twice a day in sunny days, once every other day in autumn, once every other day in winter, and once a week or less in winter. But it must be noted that this refers to the general situation. It must be mastered flexibly according to a variety of specific circumstances. For example, it should be watered more on sunny days, less on cloudy days, every few days on consecutive cloudy days, and not on rainy days. When the temperature is high and the air is dry, the flowerpot should be watered several times a day; if the flowerpot is large, it is not easy to dry because of the large amount of water in the soil, so it can be irrigated less; if the flowerpot is small and the water is easy to evaporate, it should be irrigated appropriately. Flowerpots are placed in places with good ventilation and easy evaporation, suitable for more watering, while less watering should be done in places with poor ventilation, slow evaporation and high air humidity. It can be irrigated less at seedling stage and more at flowering stage. In short, it depends on the specific situation, in order to ensure that the basin soil is soft, not too dry, too damp as the principle.

Of course, if there are conditions, magnetized water is the best, followed by Rain Water, snow water or running water in rivers, followed by water in ponds, and the worst is tap water. For flower growers living in big cities, only tap water is available, so you can use a small water tank or bucket to put tap water in it and water it again every 2 minutes and 3 days later. This can precipitate some harmful impurities in the water. In addition, the substances contained in the water can be oxidized and purified, and the temperature of the water can be close to the humidity of the basin soil, so that the plant will not be too cold or too hot.