
Matters needing attention in raising cattle in summer

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Matters needing attention in raising cattle in summer

As the weather is getting hotter and hotter now, it has gradually entered the midsummer season. The major farmers also need to pay attention to a season, especially for cattle farmers, the high temperature in summer has a great impact on the growth of cattle. Therefore, when raising cattle in summer, there are many things we need to pay attention to. So today, the editor brings you some tips for raising cattle in summer. Let's take a look at it.

1. Pay attention to intake of substances

Raising cattle in summer must pay attention to some harmful substances and avoid the intake of cattle. In many cases, for the sake of aspect, farmers will prepare a lot of feed for cattle at one time. Let the cattle eat when they are hungry, and they will have a lot of time. Although this seems to reduce the manpower, but the harm to the cattle is relatively great. Because for some vegetable feed, if it is stored for too long, it will produce a large amount of nitrite. If cattle ingest nitrite, it can lead to poisoning. Light will reduce appetite, the emergence of diarrhea, severe will lead to death.

Therefore, when we prepare the feed, we must pay attention to the dosage. The feed in the trough should be based on enough cattle to eat, but not more, and the residual feed should be picked up in time. Especially in the hot summer season, feed is very easy to mildew and rot. You must not put a large amount of feed for the sake of being cheap, otherwise it will be counterproductive. And also note that when feeding, do not feed corn, sorghum and other seedlings. Because these foods can also produce toxic reactions to cattle, seriously affecting the growth of cattle, so we must pay more attention.

2. Feeding amount

As I just said, when we feed, we must pay attention to control the amount of feed. In particular, young forage grass should not be too much, because even if the young grass is nutritious, digestible and juicy. But it also contains a kind of soap group which is harmful to the bovine stomach, and the soap group will cause great harm to the bovine gastric mucosa. And it is irreversible, especially those whose gastrointestinal function is not yet mature, causing more harm. Therefore, when feeding, we must pay attention to control the amount of feed, do not eat more, serious cases may lead to death.

3. Cowshed management

There are more Rain Water in summer, and the temperature is also higher. Therefore, before entering the summer, we have to do a comprehensive inspection of the cowshed. In particular, whether there are loopholes in places such as doors and windows, if so, they must be repaired in time. Avoid the effect of Rain Water's entry on the growth of cattle. Then we should do a good job of ventilation and regularly clean up cow dung, otherwise it is very easy to breed germs. It will not only cause harm to cattle, but also have a great impact on breeders. Then it is necessary to prepare adequate drinking water to ensure air quality and ensure the normal growth of cattle in all aspects.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in raising cattle in summer. There are many things we need to pay attention to in raising cattle in summer, so we must pay more attention to avoid some unnecessary losses. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.