
What about figs?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What about figs?

Fig is a tropical fruit with a strong aroma, not only with raw food and medicinal effects. It can also be processed into preserved fruit, dried fruit, fruit juice and other products, which is also very popular in the market. So naturally more and more people grow figs, but figs often grow in excess of figs, so what should we do about figs? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Ventilation and ventilation

The permeability of the garden is very important for the growth of figs. If there is not enough light and poor permeability, then the fig tree is very easy to grow. Therefore, we must pay attention to control the size of the fig tree and appropriately reduce the number of branches. Do a good job of pruning during the growing period of figs, cut off overgrown branches and improve the permeability of the garden. Among them, we should pay attention to control the planting density, if planting in the greenhouse, then to ensure that the permeability of the greenhouse film is good, regular cleaning, can effectively improve the light conditions and promote the normal growth of figs.

2. Water and fertilizer management

The drought resistance of figs is relatively strong, so when we plant, we should pay attention to reduce the amount of water properly. Keep an appropriate amount of moisture in the soil and be dry. If overwatered, it will reduce the air content in the soil, inhibit the growth vitality of fig roots, and easily lead to fig overgrowth. Therefore, if there is too much water, it must be drained in time. Then control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer is also the main factor leading to the growth of figs, to ensure uniform nutrition and reduce the phenomenon of excessive growth of figs.

3. Temperature control

Fig is a tropical fruit, so we should pay attention to control the temperature and keep it above 15 degrees in planting. If the temperature is too low, it will inhibit the growth of figs. The time of withholding the shed should be determined according to the climate and environment of the planting area, planting varieties and other factors. In the early stage of fig planting, the temperature was controlled at about 18 degrees during the day, then gradually increased by about 5 degrees with the passage of time, and the lowest temperature at night should be kept above 10. Finally, the planting humidity is controlled above 80% to ensure the healthy growth of figs.

4. Pruning chemical control

In the process of planting figs, pruning should be done well, and the growth rate of figs should be controlled by coring, ring cutting and other methods. Especially for some overgrown and prosperous branches, they should be cut off in time to avoid aggravating the phenomenon of overgrowing. Then we can spray paclobutrazol and other chemicals in the garden for chemical control to avoid overgrowing branches. It is also a very key measure in our management, which can effectively increase the yield and reduce the planting cost.

The above is a brief introduction to the growth of figs. The reason for the growth of figs is nothing more than poor permeability, improper water and fertilizer, temperature and so on, so we must pay attention to the corresponding prevention and control. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.