
Seed planting method of dragon fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seed planting method of dragon fruit

Fire dragon fruit is a kind of fruit belonging to cactus family, and it also has a very large planting area in our country. The nutritional value of dragon fruit is very high and has been welcomed by many people. Therefore, more and more people are planting now, and there are many ways to grow dragon fruit, such as ramet, cuttage and so on. So how should dragon fruit be planted with seeds? The following editor brings you the seed planting method of dragon fruit, let's have a look!

1. Seed selection and soaking

First of all, we need to select the seeds of dragon fruit, to ensure that the dragon fruit is fully mature, and then take out the flesh of dragon fruit to ensure the complete separation of seed and pulp. Pack the pulp with a permeable cloth and soak it in water for about 24 hours. The pulp is then rubbed to separate the pulp seeds and set aside for planting. The seeds are then dried in a dry environment, or slightly dried by the wind. Then disinfect and accelerate the germination of the seeds to improve the germination rate of seeds and promote the germination and emergence of seeds.

2. Planting mode

There are actually many ways to grow dragon fruit. There are various planting methods, such as climbing wall, building shed and column type, among which the most common planting mode is column cultivation. Column cultivation can effectively reduce the breeding cost, and can make full use of the cultivated land. First of all, we should erect an appropriate amount of cement column in the planting plot, and then plant it on the cement column plate to promote the seedlings to grow up along the cement column after being unearthed. The plant-row spacing between each cement column should be controlled at about 1.5-2 meters.

3. Seedling stage management

Then we should choose the nursery bed, which should ensure the plot with good permeability, sufficient light, fertile soil and normal drainage and irrigation. Then do a good job of land preparation and border work, the furrow is about 90cm, and then apply about 1800kg mature farm manure per mu, which is fully mixed with the soil. Then it should be combined with the application of appropriate amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other fertilizers to supplement sufficient fertility for the soil. Promote the seeds to germinate as soon as possible after sowing, provide comprehensive and adequate nutrition, and then control the planting density and dig a good sowing hole, sowing about 8 seeds in each hole.

4. Planting management

Pitaya can effectively promote the growth of pitaya in a warm and appropriate light environment. If it is cultivated in the open field in spring and summer, it is necessary to water more to improve the growth ability of the roots. But the moisture should not be too much, when encounter rainy season, should pay attention to do a good job of drainage. Then we should pay attention to control the temperature at about 25 degrees, do a good job of ventilation and get rid of weeds in the field so as to create a good growth environment for dragon fruit growth. It is best to pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, improve the yield and quality of dragon fruit, and expand planting benefits.

The above is a brief introduction to the methods of planting pitaya seeds. The planting method of dragon fruit is actually relatively simple, mainly requires us to do a good job in planting management, so we should pay more attention to it! That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.