
Soilless cultivation techniques of Strawberry

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soilless cultivation techniques of Strawberry

Strawberry is a very popular fruit, its market demand is large, the market price is high, and it has high economic value. Now more and more people were planting strawberries, and the planting patterns of strawberries were endless. One of the most popular cultivation models in recent years has been soilless cultivation. So how do strawberries grow without soil? The following small series brings you the soilless cultivation technology of strawberries. Let's take a look together!

1. Cultivation facilities

Strawberry soilless culture is dominated by cultivation tanks, while strawberry cultivation tanks are divided into digging type and high ridge cultivation tanks. When we carry out soilless culture, we should choose according to various factors such as our own planting habits and local environment. For digging cultivation, the cultivation groove should be reserved at about 75 cm of the walkway, and then excavated. The width of the cultivation tank should be controlled at about 50cm, and the depth should be controlled at about 18cm. The length depends on the size of the greenhouse, and about 50 cm of walkway should be reserved between the cultivation tanks. If it is a hi high-ridge cultivation tank, then it is generally stacked with bricks.

2. Planting preparation

Before planting, we must first select the varieties, suitable for soilless culture varieties have red face and so on. Then, about 3 days before planting, do a good job of insecticide and sterilization to reduce the harm of pests and diseases after planting. After sterilization, pay attention to watering once to avoid root injury of seedlings during seedling emergence, and do a good job of grading treatment and planting in different sheds. Then we should pay attention to adjusting the planting time, generally in September of each year around planting, can achieve the purpose of anti-seasonal sales. Finally, when planting, we should pay attention to controlling the planting density, and the plant spacing should be controlled at about 30*10 cm.

3. Planting method

When planting, we should pay attention to the weather, can not be planted in sunny days. Should be carried out in cloudy days or evening, cloudy days, planting when selected seedlings, seedlings to ensure that there are no pests, leaves luster thick, roots developed and other strong seedlings. Remove the old and weak leaves, keep about 3 new leaves for each seedling, and then cut off part of the root system to avoid excessive evaporation of water. When planting, pay attention to the planting depth, keep it level with the planting surface or slightly higher. After planting, it is necessary to water in time to promote slow seedlings and improve the survival rate of seedlings.

4. Water and fertilizer management

In soilless culture of strawberry, watering method should be changed to drip irrigation under film, which can avoid wasting too much water resources, avoid increasing humidity and reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests. During the whole growth period of strawberries, the planting substrate should be kept moist, and the substances such as hemp residue in the substrate can meet the nutritional requirements of strawberry growth. However, in order to improve the fruit setting rate of strawberries, after the first harvest of the main flower ears, it is still necessary to apply appropriate amount of farm manure, control the amount, appropriately increase potassium fertilizer, and improve the sugar content of strawberries.

The above is a simple introduction to strawberry soilless culture technology. There are many cultivation modes of strawberries, mainly according to everyone's planting habits to choose reasonably. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!