
Prevention and Control of Diseases of Coprinus comatus and Edible Fungi

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Coprinus comatus, a rookie of edible mushrooms

Coprinus comatus is a new variety of high-grade edible fungi, which has high root nutritional and medicinal value. According to the analysis of experts on edible fungi, every 100 grams of Coprinus comatus contains 25.4 grams of crude protein, 3.3 grams of fat, 51.5 grams of nitrogen-free carbohydrate, 7.3 grams of cellulose, 12.5 grams of ash and 346 kcal. In addition, it contains all the essential amino acids for human body. Cultivated Coprinus comatus is rich in raw materials, most of which come from agricultural by-products (such as rice straw, straw, grain husk, wood bran, etc.), and have the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, long mushroom production time, easy operation and raw clinker cultivation. Coprinus comatus is not only a kind of food with unique flavor, but also a kind of rare health food. At present, the price is high in the market, the sales volume remains high, the price is stable at 16-25 yuan / kg, the economic benefit is considerable. The cultivation of Coprinus comatus is a good way to shake off poverty and become rich in mountainous rural areas, especially suitable for farmers in areas where rice is mainly planted.

Key techniques of soaking-free cultivation of Coprinus comatus with rice straw:

The main results are as follows: 1. The selection and ingredients cultivation site can be intercropped in indoor or outdoor fields, greenhouses, or between fruit trees and crops. Planting season all year round, summer in indoor or shade shed planting, autumn, winter and spring are mainly outdoor, open-field cultivation. Ingredients: according to the planting area of 20 square meters, it needs to be used for 400 kg of rice straw and 20 kg of lime powder. In addition, auxiliary materials (such as wheat husk, rice bran) can be added appropriately.

2. The raw material treatment is poured with 3% lime water on the ingredient, and the culture material is piled on the side of watering. The heap is 2 meters high, the length and width are self-defined, and the film is tightly covered for fermentation. Insert a thermometer into the material, when the temperature rises to 60 ℃, continue to turn the pile once the next morning, pour 3% lime water while turning, and then cover the membrane as before to ferment. It can be cultivated in the field after reaching more than 60 ℃ and maintaining for 1 day.

3. Sowing and cultivation (1) Building a border: dig a border bed with a width of 1.2 meters and a depth of 10 centimeters, with a total length of 20 square meters, and dig drainage ditches with a depth of 20 centimeters each. (2) bed disinfection: pour 3% lime water on the whole bed a few days before cultivation, and sprinkle a layer of hay wood ash on the day of cultivation. (3) sowing method: the layer sowing method of three kinds of layer material is adopted, with 20 kg of dry material per square meter, about 25 cm thick and 10% of seed. After the end of cultivation, the flat material surface was compacted with a board, covered with a thin layer of dry vegetation, and then a thin layer of plant ash was sprinkled on the soil surface. After 3 days, the film was shaken and ventilated twice a day.

4. Fungus management and harvest imitate seedling raising method to prop up a small bow shed, reduce or increase the thickness of grass curtain on bamboo bow and make double-layer bamboo bow double-layer film to control the material bed temperature between 10-28 ℃. After 40 days, small mushrooms can be seen breaking out of the ground. At this time, remove the cover film on the upper layer of the material surface, gently spray water to moisturize, harvest in the mushroom bud period after 10-25 days, and rotate the mushrooms around with your hands. Cut the soil off the mushroom feet with a knife and sell it.

5. Processing methods Coprinus comatus should be processed in time to ensure the unique flavor and nutrition of the mushroom body after 70% or 80% mature harvest. The simple processing method is to wash the mushrooms, invade 0.6% salt water for about 10 minutes, drain and put into human plastic bags. After 4-6 hours at the temperature of 10-25 ℃, the fresh mushrooms become the tiger skin color of the original mushrooms, which is also similar to the chicken leg skin, and can be kept fresh for about 3 days. In the salinization method, 80% of the freshly harvested fresh mushrooms are washed, boiled in boiling water for 6-8 minutes, then removed, cooled and drained, and pickled in a jar. First put a layer of mushrooms on the bottom of the cylinder, then put a layer of fine salt on the mushroom surface, install a layer of salt on the mushroom to the 2/3 place of the tank, and finally add an appropriate amount of saturated salt water. After pickling for 8-10 days, the excess salt water is removed and drained, and sealed in barrels for long-term storage. This can ensure sales for more than 2-3 months.