
How to choose Feed for raising Sheep

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to choose Feed for raising Sheep

Sheep are the main livestock raising animals. Sheep are generally raised directly in rural areas, or occasionally mowed and fed at home. Sheep grazing in the mountains are free to choose, but if they are fed in the sheepfold, what feed should be fed? or what kind of grass to plant forage, which food crops can be fed besides grass, and what feed is needed at different growth stages in order to improve the utilization rate of feed conversion. Come and have a look right away.

1. Dry feed

Some grass or grain plants on the ground are dried or stored after drying and fed when necessary. generally, there are corn stalks, wheat stalks, sorghum, and other crop straws. after harvest, the dried straws are collected and crushed and fed. Be careful not to mildew the dry feed. Dry feed is the most important feed in autumn and winter, and it will be fed in an appropriate amount at ordinary times, because dry feed is mainly dry matter and nutrients can be supplied quickly. Dry feed is rough, lambs and pregnant ewes should not be fed. Mainly feed adult empty sheep.

2. Green feed

Green feed includes green fresh feed such as green grass, sweet potato vines, vegetable leaves and so on. In addition to stocking, you can plant forage grass to harvest and feed in extreme weather, and sweet potato vines can be planted in the fields, which can be regularly harvested and fed. Sometimes the old leaves of vegetables or too many vegetables can be fed. Generally, ewes should be fed more green fodder when they are pregnant. Lambs can be fed with chopped vegetable leaves. Other times can reduce green feeding, with dry feed feeding can reduce consumption.

3. Concentrate feed

Concentrate feed is mainly corn meal, soybean meal, wheat bran, and some nutrients such as bone meal, protein meal, fish meal and so on. The feed prepared during the growth period of sheep is generally fed at a fixed time, such as fattening period, lamb growth period, and ewe pregnancy period. These can provide a lot of protein and carbohydrates, which are the easiest to absorb and use. It can reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases in sheep.

4. Succulent feed

Feed just harvested sweet potatoes, or carrots, radishes, fresh soybeans, such as succulent feed, because of good moisture, good nutrients, rich in fiber, sometimes some can improve the absorption and digestion of sheep. For long-term eating hay, you can adjust your nutrition. Feeding such feed during the fattening period of sheep is easy to fattening. But wash it clean, chop it up and feed it.

The main feed for sheep is these four kinds of feed, which can be adjusted according to the growth cycle, or can be matched for special feeding in a special period. Pay attention to improving the digestive ability of sheep intestines and stomach. Do not feed moldy and spoiled feed, wash and chop before feeding.