
The reason why the mysterious fruit does not bear fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The reason why the mysterious fruit does not bear fruit

There is a mysterious fruit in the fruit, which can change people's sense of taste, is very popular in the market, and its sales are excellent, attracting a lot of people to grow it. However, in the process of planting, many people have the phenomenon of no results, resulting in greater losses, so why the mysterious fruit does not bear fruit? Let's get to know it.

1. Lack of pollination

There are many reasons why the mysterious fruit does not bear fruit, but the most important reason is pollination. Pollination is the next generation produced by plant mating. If there are only single female flowers or male flowers, or both male and female flowers, but no mating can produce the next generation, it is impossible to produce new fruits and seeds from heat. At this time, artificial pollination is needed. If it is planted in batches, you can choose to pollinate with bees. If it is planted in a small area, you can prepare a brush and a piece of white paper from the flowering period. The hair of the brush can be softer and prevent the brush head from being too rough to damage pollen. Put the white paper under the stamens, gently brush the pollen with a brush, collect it and apply it to the pistil with a small cotton swab.

2. Environmental reasons

During the flowering and fruiting period, if you encounter cloudy, rainy weather, or strong winds and other weather conditions, it is very likely that it will not grow very well in the future, so when it suffers from Rain Water or strong winds during the mysterious flowering period, after these bad weather, everyone has to pollinate again. In manual management, be careful not to pour water on the whole plant, so as not to wash the pollen by Rain Water, resulting in poor pollination quality.

3. Fertilizer is also available

Generally speaking, before the mysterious fruit blossoms, it needs to be given some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can improve his fruit setting rate, but if too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, it may appear that the branches and leaves grow abruptly, resulting in no fruit, so if you want the mysterious fruit to bear fruit, you must apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and pay attention to the proportion of fertilizer to make it have sufficient nutrients to grow healthily.

The above is the introduction of the reasons for the mysterious results. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.