
Causes and control methods of rotten mango fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes and control methods of rotten mango fruit

Mango is a favorite fruit with great market demand and excellent economic benefits, but some fruit growers often have rotten fruit when planting, which generally occurs in the fruit growing period and harvest period, with good surface and internal rot. So what is the reason for the rotten mango? How to prevent and cure it? Let's get to know it.

1. Cause of occurrence

It is easy to be infected by pathogens in the sensitive period of mango flowering and young fruit, and the pathogen lurks in the flower and fruit. when the fruit expands and the ripening period is suitable, the pathogen begins to propagate rapidly and cause damage, which leads to the phenomenon of rotten fruit. In addition, mango trees with insufficient nutrition, poor disease resistance, or lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, boron, manganese and other elements will also cause fruit cracking or decay. In addition, the occurrence of the disease is also different from temperature, light, precipitation and soil young fruit, such as low temperature, more Rain Water, lack of light and so on.

2. Preventive measures

Spraying chemicals in the mango plant shoot, flowering and young fruit stage can effectively kill and inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, increase fertilizer, rejuvenate the tree, strengthen the tree potential and repair the wound. In addition, the application of calcium carbonate and microbial agents in the soil, or spraying Liangguoan on the leaves will help to reduce the incidence of the disease, while paying attention to the pH value of the soil, keeping the soil neutral, and neutralizing it with lime powder when the acidity is too high. In the fruit period to pay attention to light, in strong light can be appropriate shade, in order to avoid strong light sunburn, induce rotten fruit.

3. Treatment methods

If a small amount of rotten fruit has occurred, you can use Liangguoan 150,200x + garlic oil 1000 # 1500 times + Wofengsu 600x spray, the effect is better, and more serious suggest spraying compound absorbent chemical fungicides to kill bacteria. At the same time, combined with the root irrigation yield, it can be irrigated once with Qingku Rike 100ml 200 times + Tilwang 500 times + Vofengsu 600 times, which can kill the germs of soil and root system, promote root absorption and restore tree potential.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control methods of rotten mango. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.