
Causes and prevention methods of flatulence in sows

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and prevention methods of flatulence in sows

Summer is the season of high incidence of pig farm disease, and sow flatulence is one of the more serious, sow flatulence is also known as sow sudden death, the mortality rate of this disease is extremely high, and the disease is urgent, the course of disease is short, the main symptom is sudden belly gain of sows, so they often miss the best treatment time. So what is the cause of flatulence in sows? How to prevent and cure it? Let's get to know it.

1. Causes of flatulence in sows

1. Indigestion

First, gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by stimulation, such as cold water and moldy feed, will cause gastrointestinal disorders in sows, resulting in flatulence. On the other hand, sows eat too much dry food, but lack of drinking water and lack of gastrointestinal peristalsis, resulting in a large number of anaerobic bacteria, producing a large number of harmful gases, resulting in flatulence, oppression of the heart and lungs, and disturbance of blood circulation. resulting in asphyxiation and death of sows.

2. Germs

The mutation of type C bacteria caused by Clostridium welchii type An and D in feed, temperature and environment will lead to the decrease of resistance of pigs, the imbalance of gastrointestinal flora and the mass reproduction of Clostridium welchii in the intestines and stomach.

3. Intestinal volvulus

Gastroenteritis or colitis, peritonitis and intestinal flora imbalance, hypokalemia, vitamin B1 deficiency caused by improper diet can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastric volvulus and flatulence in sows.

II. Preventive methods

Pregnant and lactating sows should be fed regularly to avoid indigestion caused by overeating. Pig houses should be hygienic and clean as well as feed storage and drying to avoid feed mildew. Strengthen the exercise of sows, feed more green feed, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce the breeding of anaerobes, add appropriate amounts of vitamins and probiotics to feed, improve gastrointestinal digestion and anti-stress ability, in winter and spring or frequent changes in temperature, can be added to the feed amoxicillin and doxycycline seasonal prevention.

III. Treatment methods

For flatulence caused by indigestion, artificial salt, yeast tablets, baking soda or some microecological agents can be added in the feed, or intramuscular injection of carbamylmethylcholine chloride to regulate the gastrointestinal tract, promote digestion, and also strengthen sow exercise. The flatulence caused by bacteria can be taken orally with dimethyl silicon oil tablets to eliminate the foam in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, medical charcoal tablets can be taken to enhance the speed of exhaust, and ceftiofur sodium 30mg/kg can be injected intramuscularly. And flatulence caused by gastrointestinal volvulus, for piglets to strengthen feeding, do not feed irritant feed, mild gastrointestinal volvulus can recover on its own, the serious will be me in a short time.

The above is the introduction of the causes and prevention methods of flatulence in sows. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.