
How to prevent and control the diseases of herbaceous flowers at seedling stage and the methods of flower maintenance

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to Control Seedling Diseases of herbaceous Flowers

Seedling quenching and blight are common diseases of herbaceous flowers at seedling stage, and they are the two most important diseases. The main pathogen of quenching disease is Rhizoctonia solani, and the pathogen of Rhizoctonia solani is Rhizoctonia solani. The main conditions for the onset of these two diseases are:

1. The soil keeps high temperature for a long time.

2. Temperature is not conducive to standing, that is, plants that grow at higher temperatures encounter low temperatures, and plants that germinate and grow at lower temperatures encounter high temperatures.

3. There is too much nitrogen fertilizer in the soil, and the seedlings grow slowly and thin.

4. Continuous stubble land with high bacteria content.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Avoid continuous cropping, especially in seriously affected plots. Before sowing, the soil should be fully turned and disinfected. Drugs can be used carbendazim, topiramate and so on. Apply according to the instructions.

2. The diseased plants that have occurred standing blight should be removed and burned in time to prevent the sclerotia from falling into the soil, and sprinkle the disease with medicine or lime, sometimes the sclerotia can be mixed in the seeds, and the seeds can be treated with 10% salt water.

3. Improve the growth conditions, cultivate strong seedlings and improve the ability of disease resistance. Apply more rotten fertilizer, control irrigation, do not overheat the soil, sow at the right time, so that it will not be affected by low temperature.

4. in the early stage of the disease, chemical control should be used to control the epidemic of the disease, generally spraying 2-3 times continuously, with an interval of about 10 days, and applied to the rhizome and the ground. 50% carbendazim temperature powder or 50% thiophanate temperature powder and Yumaoling can be selected.