
What if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched? diagnosis and treatment of diseases of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of Cymbidium

Due to unsuitable cultivation conditions, Cymbidium often causes the invasion of bacteria and diseases. If it is light, it will affect its ornamental value, and if it is serious, the plant will die. Therefore, it is very necessary to diagnose the diseases of Cymbidium in early stage and take control measures in time. First, leaf Fusarium wilt: the occurrence site is the tip of tender leaves, the symptoms develop from top to bottom, and when serious, the whole leaf turns yellow and wilts. This disease is caused by root neck rot, also known as root rot, which is caused by a fungus infecting Daphne odora. It is mainly a physiological disease caused by excessive fertilization or excessive watering of the rhizosphere (root neck) and the cortex and phloem of the stem on the nearby ground. If it is hypertrophy, it is necessary to change the basin soil, under the root pad a layer of fine sand, basin soil is appropriate to use loose rotten leaf soil, pH to neutral is appropriate. If the water is large, it is necessary to control the amount of water, and remove the yellow leaves, the plant can still return to normal growth. Second, leaf spot disease: there are small yellow spots on the leaves, the disease spots are enlarged, the diameter can reach about 3-5 mm, round; the disease spots spread into one, the leaves will wither and yellow. Another kind is on the leaf disease spot is big, the shape is irregular, the yellow brown to the beige, has the wheel pattern slightly, the later stage disease spot back appears the black dot. The above two diseases are due to poor ventilation and parasitism of shell insects, resulting in weak plant growth. The prevention and treatment methods are as follows: smear the disease spot with 0.5% potassium permanganate solution, or spray with 1000 times solution of more than 50% carbendazim; if the disease is serious, the damaged leaves should be removed, burned, and dried with aseptic skimmed cotton at the wound. Third, bacterial rot: due to mechanical damage or damage caused by shell insects, causing bacteria to invade, in order to harm the leaf sheath and leaf center, the rot should be removed, the wound should be dried with skimmed cotton, and then smeared with 0.02% streptomycin.