
Matters needing attention in planting towel gourd in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in planting towel gourd in summer

As slowly into the summer, but also to the towel gourd harvest time, towel gourd is also gradually on the market. Towel gourd is a kind of gourd vegetable with high nutritional value, which has a great market demand in our country. However, in the environment of high temperature and humidity in summer, it is easy to lead to various problems of towel gourd. So what are the precautions for growing towel gourd in summer? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Water and fertilizer management

Planting towel gourd in summer, because the temperature is relatively high, so we must do a good job in fertilizer and water management when planting. In the towel gourd seedling stage, drench water about 3 times. Emphasis should be placed on fertilization at the early flowering stage, with about 100 jin of compound fertilizer per mu. After entering the harvest period, topdressing is required for every two harvests, and the fertilizers are mainly compound fertilizer, urea and potash fertilizer. Watering should not be too much in the seedling stage, otherwise it will have a certain impact on the roots. After entering the vine flowering period, the amount of water should be increased appropriately, and it is not suitable to water at noon on a sunny day. In the harvest period, we should not only properly water, but also keep a water layer of about 15 cm in the ditch, and finally, we should pay attention to the drainage work on rainy days.

2. Set up a frame to draw the vine

Towel gourd is a kind of trailing vegetable, so we have to do a good job of setting up a frame when we plant it. When the loofah vine grows to about 30 centimeters, insert a herringbone frame in the soil. After inserting the rack, it is necessary to press the vines on the towel gourd index, and then draw the vines when the female flowers appear, and distribute the vines evenly on the bracket. If there is a towel gourd bending phenomenon, then also carry on the hanging gourd work, tie up the melon stalk with a rope, tie stones under the rope, pull the melon branches, hanging melon work is generally carried out about 3 days after harvest.

3. Temperature and light

Although towel gourd is a summer crop, the temperature should not be too much. During the growth period of towel gourd, the temperature should be controlled at about 30 degrees, and the temperature at night should be suitable. If the temperature is too high, then it should be cooled in time, of course, the temperature should not be too low. We should pay attention to observe good weather changes to facilitate timely treatment to ensure that towel gourd growth has a suitable temperature. Then it should be noted that towel gourd can not be exposed to direct sunlight during its growth. Therefore, we should also pay attention to sunscreen measures in summer to ensure the normal growth of towel gourd.

4. Pest control

Although the temperature in summer is high, it is also easy to produce many diseases and insect pests, such as virus diseases, leaf miners, aphids and so on. Therefore, in the summer, we should also focus on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. We should often check the growth of towel gourd to facilitate timely detection of symptoms and treatment. And when we are planting, we should pay attention to regular disinfection, eliminate the pathogen base in the field, and reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in planting towel gourd in summer. There are many things we need to pay attention to when planting towel gourd in summer, and it is also the focus of our management, so we must pay more attention to it. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.