
Cultivation of Caragana bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Caragana arborescens is generally propagated by sowing. The seeds of Caragana are mostly ripe in early August. When the fruit turns dark yellow, it should be picked in time. If it is picked too late, the seeds will collapse due to pod burst and it is not easy to harvest. Put the harvested pods in the sun to dry, so that the seeds fall off naturally.

Caragana arborescens is generally propagated by sowing. The seeds of Caragana are mostly ripe in early August. When the fruit turns dark yellow, it should be picked in time. If it is picked too late, the seeds will collapse due to pod burst and it is not easy to harvest. Put the collected pods in the sun to dry, so that the seeds naturally remove pods, clean seeds and then put them in a clean cloth bag and store them in a shady and ventilated place. Soak in 45 ℃ warm water for 48 hours in the middle of March of the second year, and then sow the seeds.

Select sandy loam soil with fertile land, flat terrain and good drainage as nursery land, and apply mature and fermented cow and horse manure as base fertilizer, the dosage is 3500 kg per mu, the base fertilizer should be mixed well with nursery soil, rake fine and level after air treatment, and disinfect the seedling bed with pentachloronitrobenzene. Sowing can be used to sow, the seed consumption is 20 grams to 25 grams per square meter, trample gently with your feet after sowing, and spray water once.

During the period of seed germination, the soil should be kept moist and irrigated every 5 to 7 days after emergence, each time should be fully watered, and the appropriate irrigation time should be in the morning and evening. Wait for the seedling to grow to about 20 cm for a while. Seedlings should be selected on cloudy and rainy days and should be operated carefully to prevent damage to other seedlings.

In order to accelerate the growth of seedlings, urea was applied once in the middle of June and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the beginning of August. Transplanting can be carried out after two years.

Can be used cutting, ramet, striping, sowing and other methods of propagation, generally mainly by cutting. From February to March, the hardwood from last year can be used, or in the rainy season, the cuttings can be cut into 8-12 cm, with a depth of 12. After planting, B will set up a shed for shade and water appropriately.

After rooting, remove the shade shed, fully accept the light, grow healthily, and the survival rate is higher. Ramet propagation is carried out from February to March in spring. Sowing and propagation were carried out from March to April, and the germination rate was high when the seeds were soaked in warm water (40 ℃) before sowing. For bonsai users, you can also dig old piles in the mountains for many years to make shapes with faster results. It is better to choose those who are old and work alone.

Time: 2019-06-13 Click: