
Propagation method of Carnation

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to breed carnations? How to breed carnations has always been a concern for florists. The propagation of carnations is generally carried out by cutting in early spring. Specific how to breed carnations, flowers in the clouds below will give you a detailed introduction, hoping to help you breed carnations.

How to breed carnations? How to breed carnations has always been a concern for flower growers. Carnations are generally propagated by cuttings in early spring. Specific how to breed carnations The following clouds to flowers for you to do a detailed introduction, hope to help you breed carnations!

Carnation can be used cuttage, seeding, tissue culture and other methods of propagation. General conventional propagation to cutting-based.

Germination temperature at about 20℃ is good, should be in early spring indoor sowing or in September-October open field sowing, and in winter protection winter, temperature can not be higher than 15℃, can not be lower than 0℃. Spring morning can be potted.

Cuttings can be carried out at any time except hot summer, especially from late January to early February. Cuttings can choose 7-10 cm long lateral branches born between the middle leaf axils of branches. When picking cuttings, use the "bud breaking method", that is, take the lateral branches and break them down along the main branches, so that the base of the cuttings has node marks, which is easier to survive. Cutting after harvest or cutting before cutting can also be wet with water. Cuttage soil is general garden soil mixed with 1/3 bran ash, or sandy soil. After planting, water frequently to maintain humidity and shade, room temperature 10-15℃, about 20 days can take root, a month later can be transplanted planting.

The layering takes place in August-September. Select long branches, cut the skin with a knife at the part contacting the ground, and press the earth upward. After 5 to 6 weeks, it can take root and survive.

Cuttage propagation in spring, in addition to hot summer, other times can also be carried out. Plating medium can be pearlite plus peat or coke bran. The cuttings should choose stout lateral branches in the middle of the plant, and the internodes should be short. When picking cuttings, take the branches by hand and pull them down so that the base of the cuttings has the main stem cortex, which is easier to survive. Should immediately cut after harvest, do not make branches and leaves wilting, otherwise greatly reduce the survival rate; or before cutting will be soaked in water, so that cuttings absorb enough water, growth point hardened after cutting? In order to improve the survival rate of cuttings, cuttings can be treated with NAA or IBA at concentrations of 10~100 mg/kg. Shading after planting and often spraying water. Rooting takes place at 13~15℃ in about 20 days.

Sowing propagation is mainly used for cross breeding, or for the production of potted flowers from hybrid seeds. The suitable temperature for seed insertion is 18~20℃, germination takes about 1 week, and seedling takes 2~3 months.

Tissue culture propagation is an important method to produce virus-free seedlings, which is widely used in cut flower production. Generally, stem tips are used for detoxification culture, and then a large number of propagation.

Carnation cutting propagation method:

The 3~4 lateral buds in the middle of the branches were selected for cuttings, and the rhizosphere bacterial branches were the best. Cutting is more suitable when flower buds are formed. After cutting, cuttings should be immediately. On cloudy days or in the morning.

After the cutting, the base of the cut surface stained with charcoal powder, so as to avoid water loss of cuttings, which is not conducive to survival.

The soil is suitable for river sand, and the depth of insertion is about 2 cm. Spray and sprinkle water immediately after cuttage, but do not make too much water, so as not to cause cuttage rot.

Avoid direct sunlight, keep room temperature 10~13 degrees, about a month, you can take root. After rooting, light can be gradually increased.

About 50 days after cuttage, they were planted separately. When the terminal bud grows again after sub-planting and slow seedling. Start fertilizing. Generally every 10 days after the application of a thin feces water, but do not water too much. In the growth period, flowering period, hot summer period, should strengthen watering.

When seedlings have more than 5 pairs of leaves, they should be removed. When there are more than 3~4 pairs of leaves in the lateral branches, the second topping is carried out.

Finally, it is best to have 12~15 lateral branches. Can also be picked again, to promote the occurrence of lateral branches, flowering and reproduction. The last picking period shall not be later than mid-August at the latest. The seedling stage should not exceed the beginning of July at the latest, otherwise, it will have a great impact on the growth and flowering of plants.

Time: 2019-06-12 Click: