
Sowing methods and matters needing attention of potted geranium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Geranium seeds cost 15 yuan for 10, but geraniums are definitely a great choice for rookies to practice! Rapid germination, rapid growth, shade and drought tolerance, super strong, just like weeds. A pot of geraniums is not cheap in the market, and the seedlings are also very expensive. if there is no gold, then use labor to exchange it. Buy your own seeds.

Geranium seeds cost 15 yuan for 10, but geraniums are definitely a great choice for rookies to practice! Rapid germination, rapid growth, shade and drought tolerance, super strong, just like weeds.

A pot of geraniums is not cheap in the market, and the seedlings are also very expensive. if there is no gold, then use labor to exchange it. Buy your own seeds, plant a few pots, and enjoy the joy that the planting process brings to you!

In April, buy seeds from the market and try to choose varieties with good quality, easy to sprout and blossom and good maintenance. Plant the plant directly in the flowerpot. Wet the soil before sowing.

The last lid blocks the opening of the container, preferably with a transparent one for easy observation.

Then cover the flowerpot with a shading cloth so as not to see the light.

Two or three days later, when you lift the lid, you can see that the seed is white, and a little soil is sprinkled on the seed.

In another 2 or 3 days, small leaves will basically grow. Congratulations on your successful sowing. The rest of the time is when the seedlings grow up slowly, and when they reach 3 or 4 leaves, they can be replanted in pots.

Points for attention in geranium sowing:

Whether the sowing is successful, whether the seed germination rate is high, and the seed is very important, good seeds can germinate in 24 hours. But the quality of the seed is not good, so you have to wait at least 1-2 weeks.

The purpose of covering the soil is to prevent the seeds from rotting in a wet environment. After germination, covering the soil can better take root and grow leaves.

There is no specific time limit for sowing, as long as the temperature is between 18 ℃.

Time: 2019-06-12 Click: