
How to treat chicken feet soft

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to treat chicken feet soft

Sometimes newborn chicks have weak feet and can't stand up. It may be because they are too weak to get better in two days, but sometimes there are other problems when they can't stand all the time. Except for chicks, if adult chickens suddenly have weak feet and are unable to stand and walk, then soft feet must first find the real cause before they can be treated according to the root cause of the problem, and then they will know how to prevent it. So this is the main content of my article today. Let's take a look at it next.

First, reasons

1. Infected with virus

For example, infectious spinal encephalomyelitis, after infection, spreads quickly, first the head trembles, then the foot is paralyzed can not move, and finally will die. Marek's disease infection, damage to the sciatic nerve, will form split hemiplegia, the foot can not move. Or Newcastle disease, the disease is characterized by claudication, instability, and looks like a sign of weakness.

two。 Infected bacteria

Infected with infectious synovial bursitis, the joints of chickens will be swollen, making it inconvenient to walk. Chickens with avian tuberculosis will jump and can't move on one foot. Infection with salmonella and staphylococci can cause arthritis, as well as weakness of the feet, inability to move, or inconvenience.

3. Parasite

Leukozoonosis carinii, which occurs, can cause movement disorders, mild paralysis of the feet, and little movement. There is also chicken knee acariasis, this disease is often parasitic in the scales of the feet, causing severe foot bone necrosis, paralysis, mild will be unable to stand, soft feet.

4. Lack of nutrition

The main performance is vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin B1, B2, will cause chicken feet paralyzed, stiff, difficult to move, two feet to expand walking. Lack of calcium and weak bones.

5. Improper management

Cold, or too much humidity or lack of oxygen will make the chicken's feet weak and unable to stand. The temperature is too hot to improve the environment, the chicken may be weak and paralyzed, receive insufficient light, resulting in calcium can not be well absorbed, resulting in weak bones.

II. Treatment methods

In the early stage, it is necessary to be vaccinated against various diseases to prevent the occurrence of diseases. If the disease occurs, it must be treated with corresponding agents in time to recover. Eliminate viruses and bacteria. Usually, the chicken coop should be kept clean and disinfected regularly. Deworming is fixed at intervals every year to ensure that it is not harmed by parasites. All kinds of nutrients should be added to feed after birth to ensure that there will be no lack of nutrition during the whole growth period. Turn on the heater to keep warm in cold weather. In summer, you should often go out for a walk, receive light and dissipate heat. Targeted to do a good job of these work, should be able to prevent chicken feet soft, or after the occurrence can also be improved in time.