
Application method of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The growth and flowering of flowers need a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to add nutrient solution to the aquaculture to meet the needs of plant growth and flowering. The nutrient solution can be purchased at the hydroponic flower store and purchased according to the variety of flowers to be cultivated. But when using it, it must be diluted with water in strict accordance with the proportion in the instructions.

The growth and flowering of flowers need a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to add nutrient solution to the aquaculture to meet the needs of plant growth and flowering. The nutrient solution can be purchased at the hydroponic flower store and purchased according to the variety of flowers to be cultivated. However, when using it, it must be diluted with water in strict accordance with the proportion on the instruction manual, and grasp the principle that it should be dilute and used for many times. General nutrient solution can be added when changing water, the demand is large or the water change period is long, and it can also be added in the middle period. It is better to mix the nutrient solution with tap water that has been standing for a day or two, and it is better to use pure water to match the nutrient solution if possible.

There are many plants suitable for hydroponic culture, mainly all kinds of foliage plants. Such as: Araceae clump spring taro, silver-wrapped taro, fire crane flower, Guangdong evergreen, tortoise back, hulk, silver queen, synthetic taro, light bamboo taro, hanging bamboo plum, aloe, hanging orchid, silver evergreen of Liliaceae, lotus palm, hibiscus and other kinds of magnolia, Dilan orchid, crab claw orchid, rich bamboo, pineapple, silver leaf chrysanthemum, Brazilian wood, ivy, leaf grass and so on.

Hydroponic flower series nutrient solution can be divided into hydroponic nutrient solution, hydroponic cactus nutrient solution, flower foliar fertilizer (type A), flower foliar fertilizer (type B), rooting nutrient solution and seed soaking solution.

Key points for the use of hydroponic plant nutrient solution:

1. the temperature, humidity and light needed for the growth of all kinds of plants are maintained according to the requirements.

2. Hydroponic flowers should be cultivated at room temperature above 5 ℃ and below 30 ℃. Can not be exposed to the sun, to prevent high liquid temperature damage to the root.

3. There are two methods of blending nutrient solution: light and concentrated. Concentrated nutrient solution: 1.25 liters per pack of water, used in spring and autumn and during peak growth periods. Dilute nutrient solution: 2 liters of water in each pack, used as a transitional solution in winter and summer and when changing from soil cultivation to hydroponic culture.

4. when flowers are changed from soil culture to hydroponic culture, the roots of flowers should be washed, and then half of the roots should be immersed in dilute nutrient solution for transition. Do not immerse all the roots in the nutrient solution, so as not to affect the root respiration. The liquid level can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the flower roots. When the new roots are born, pay attention to make the liquid level close to the new root tips.

5. At the initial stage of hydroponic culture, some flowers should change their roots. At this time, the decay of the old roots is a normal phenomenon. We should cut off the rotten roots in time, wash the plants, wash the bottles and change the liquid until the new roots grow normally. When the rootless Cymbidium and cactus plants are hydroponically cultured, the bottom should touch the liquid surface, and after the new root grows, the liquid level will drop to 4 beat 5 places of the root.

6. The top mature branches of jointed herbs can grow new roots and become a new plant by pruning and placing them directly in the hydroponic solution. When the new root grows to 2-5 cm, half of the root is raised to the liquid level for hydroponic culture.

7. Hydroponic nutrient solution, hydroponic Cymbidium nutrient solution and hydroponic cactus plant nutrient solution are non-toxic and non-rotten, and can not be changed for a long time. When the nutrient solution is absorbed and volatilized, only the mixed nutrient solution needs to be added.

8. Alternately spraying "Flower foliar Fertilizer (Type A) and Flower foliar Fertilizer (Type B)" every 15 days can make flower foliar greenness and exuberant growth.

9. Hydroponic rooting flowers can also use rooting nutrient solution to determine the soaking time according to the degree of root Lignification. Generally, herbaceous plants soak the roots for 10 to 30 minutes, woody plants for 2 to 24 hours, and then put them in a light nutrient solution for transition. Soaking seeds in seed soaking solution can improve the germination rate, strong seedlings and rapid growth.

The usage of hydroponic plant nutrient solution:

Little angel, tortoise back bamboo, vine green velvet plant after entering the water, the new root growth is quite special, in the water one or two weeks later, you can see some white flocs on the main root, this is the growth point of the new root, do not mistakenly think that the root is sick and wipe out these white spots when changing water, so as not to affect the growth of the new root. After the new root grows, appropriate amount of nutrient solution can be added for maintenance.

It is normal for hydroponic plants to grow weaker and grow much more slowly than in plants. Hydroponic plants are beautiful and clean, and they are often used to decorate the home, so growing slowly can maintain the ornamental effect for a long time. Because the growth of hydroponic plants is weak, there are some differences in care. The requirement of light is relatively weak, and the new leaves and buds of hydroponic plants will be weaker than those of plants preserved under the same conditions, and the new leaves and buds of hydroponic plants will be weaker. This can be improved by adding nutrient solution and foliar fertilization. Foliar fertilization should be sprayed more on the back of the leaf, and a large number of stomata on the back of the leaf is the main way to absorb nutrients.

The use of hydroponic plant nutrient solution is more troublesome, in many cases, hydroponic plant maintenance with only clear water can also grow normally to ensure a good ornamental effect. However, some plants are prone to yellowing and emaciation of new leaves after long-term maintenance with clear water, so they need to add nutrient solution to improve their growth.

The nutrition solution had better choose the products of regular manufacturers, there are often some three-no products on the market, the quality is inferior and the formula is unreasonable, and some of them have a strong ammonia flavor. These products often contain high ammonium nitrogen, which is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients by hydroponic plants. Some plants are very sensitive to changes in the concentration of nutrient solutions, such as green pineapple and dripping Guanyin. Although they are very easy to grow in water, rotting roots can easily occur when changing different concentrations of nutrient solution or changing it from clear water.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the nutrient solution from dilute to concentrated as far as possible, and the change of concentration in each change is as small as possible.

Do not be nervous about the occurrence of yellow leaves in hydroponic plants. Careful analysis of the causes of yellow leaves can effectively prevent the occurrence of yellow leaves. At the beginning of hydroponic plants, there will be some yellow leaves, this is a normal phenomenon, the yellow leaves can be removed in time. If there is heating in winter in the north, you can also wash the roots of the plant into the water. when buying plants, be careful not to let the cold air be sucked directly into the leaves, otherwise the normally growing plants will appear that the leaves begin to dry up from the edge of the leaves, and the center of the leaves is still green.

If the waterlogged rotten spots on the leaf surface gradually wither and yellow, which is mostly caused by plant root decay, the rotten roots should be pruned in time, keep the water clean, and shorten the water exchange time to stimulate the growth of new roots. When the leaves of the plant turn yellow and grow unhealthily, change the plant into a large container and fix it. Don't move easily. It is a very effective way to promote plant growth when the new roots grow normally and then be changed into a container suitable for ornamental maintenance.

It is worth mentioning that when using nutrient solution, we should pay attention to the inadaptability of hydroponic plants:

We must think that plants growing at the edge of the water are very easy to grow in water. In practice, flower friends have found that this kind of plants can grow well in water for a period of time. But after a month, they often can not adapt to the environment in the utensils, the growth condition deteriorates, there are a large number of rotting roots. Such as: purple stem water taro, dripping Guanyin, mushroom and so on have similar phenomena. The original living environment of this kind of plants is generally running water, but when they are first launched, they are very adaptable, but when they are cultured in static water for a long time, they do not get enough oxygen in the running water. and because the original roots are more adaptable to the aquatic environment, it is more difficult to grow aquatic roots adapted to the hydroponic environment, so they show their inadaptability.

Dealing with this kind of plant can put a small part of the roots out of the water, especially be careful not to add nutrient solution to the water, so as to maintain a better growth state, but also to ensure more light time, they are often only slightly shade-resistant.

Time: 2019-06-10 Click: