
How to cultivate peppermint by hydroponics

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Peppermint, as if tirelessly exudes a fresh aroma, will not stop until late at night, thus getting the title of night fragrance. Peppermint tenacious vitality, almost all kinds of soil can grow, the unique aroma is relaxing and pleasant, is a particularly practical garden plant. Peppermint is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicines in China.

Peppermint, as if tirelessly exudes a fresh aroma, will not stop until the middle of the night, thus getting the title of "night incense". Peppermint tenacious vitality, almost all kinds of soil can grow, the unique aroma is relaxing and pleasant, is a particularly practical garden plant.

Peppermint is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, it is a cool antipyretic medicine for influenza, headache, red eyes, body fever, throat, gums and other diseases. External use can treat neuralgia, skin itching, rash and eczema. The mint picked in the Guangpeng greenhouse is also a fresh dish on the Spring Festival table, refreshing and delicious. Usually replace tea with peppermint, clear heart and clear eyes. Some flower friends tried hydroponic mint before, but they all failed in the end. Today, the editor will talk about the method of hydroponic mint in combination with the experience of flower friends, for your reference and study.

How to cultivate a pot of mint in literary style?

First of all, you need to have a pot of peppermint, or find someone with peppermint to cut some back, peppermint needs to pick a thicker stem (easier to raise). Then find the bottom of the stem to cut off, do not pick the green stem, to pick the red stem, because the green is still too tender, easy to rot, breed bacteria, can not live. The red stem is an old stem, which is already a little woody, not easy to rot, and easy to take root.

Almost all of the stems of this pot of mint have turned red, and even the buds are red, indicating that the mint is older.

Cut off a few trees, peel off the bottom leaves, try not to soak the leaves in the water, the leaves are more likely to rot.

Then find a more artistic glass bottle and put the mint in it. It's better to choose a bottle with a small mouth, otherwise the note won't hold. Personally, I prefer this kind of small glass bottle with hemp rope, which can be hung, which can be placed or hung outside the window, and can also be raised to look like a hanging type.

Remember that the leaves should not be immersed in water, you can put some nutrient solution, but the nutrient solution should be diluted relatively thin, otherwise it is easy to burn.

In fact, it is no problem to use the nutrient solution. In summer, mint has a great demand for water. I usually put some small stones for meat in the bottle, which contain minerals, which can slowly dissolve into the water.

Put mint in a ventilated place, it is best to have scattered light to the place, do not direct sunlight, the summer sun is too strong, easy to dehydrate, especially during the root period, do not expose to the sun. Generally 3 days can grow small roots, can grow small roots is basically immortal, as long as keep ventilated.

This is the result of three days later, and there are small white roots growing out.

Then you just have to pay attention to the water in the bottle every day. At the beginning, you don't absorb much water, but if the bottle is big enough, it's no problem for 3 days. When the root grows much longer and you raise it for a month, you have to pay attention to the water in the bottle every day. At this time, the roots are developed, the leaves grow, and it's easy to absorb water, just like a buffalo.

Often at the end of the day, half a bottle of water is sucked dry. So pay more attention to it and don't let it dry to death.

After a few months, this one will be like this, very developed, and the roots will begin to grow a variety of small buds, waiting for the pot to burst and cultivate it.

There have been a lot of small buds here, and they will grow slowly, and there will be more and more branches, so it is difficult not to burst the basin.

Peppermint likes sufficient light, warm and humid environment, suitable temperature in 20-30 degrees Celsius, strong adaptability, and rapid growth, all-day and half-day environment can grow well. The aboveground part is easy to wither and go into hibernation at low temperature in winter, but the underground rhizome can survive the winter safely at minus ten degrees Celsius. More fertilizer is needed in the growing period, and the total element fertilizer is the best, and the nitrogen fertilizer is increased appropriately.

1. Hydroponics time

Suitable time for hydroponics: spring and summer

2. Methods / steps of hydroponics:

1. Cut several sturdy branches free of diseases and insect pests, rinse them with water, put them into a container, add them to the appropriate height (at least one branch of the leaf removed from all mints is better), and place them in a bright environment. Be careful not to be exposed to direct sunlight. It is best to use tap water that has been kept for more than 2 days.

2. in the first week of hydroponics, there will be the phenomenon of leaf withering, which can be temporarily moved to a cool and ventilated environment, and properly spray some water fog on the leaf surface, usually after two days, this phenomenon will disappear. The branches can grow lovely white roots after 2-3 days. According to personal experience, the brighter the light and the higher the temperature, the faster it will take root.

3. During the period of hydroponics, some nutrient solutions can be added to the water to maintain the needs of the plant growth period.

4. After a week of hydroponics, it can be moved to the windowsill so that it will not wither even if it is exposed to the sun. The root system has also grown longer, the branches have obviously grown taller, and have entered normal management.

5. Peppermint has a strong phototaxis. Pay attention to the orientation of the container. Hydroponic mint will grow very fast. Pay attention to the use of nutrient solution or spraying nitrogen-based compound fertilizer to the leaves several times a week.

6. The leaves near the lower part are easy to wither and fall, and should be cleaned at any time. If the water quality becomes worse, the water should be changed in time. During the peak growth period, water is usually added in about 2 days.

7. About 3-4 times, the plant grows so high that it is out of harmony with the container, so the container should be changed, or the branches that are too high can be cut off and recultured in water.

8. If you prefer plump plant shape, the plant may be topped many times to promote the germination of lateral buds.

9. Friends who like styling can use different varieties of mint for hydroponic culture. The method is the same as above, and the management is simple.

Time: 2019-06-09 Click: