
Peppermint hydroponics method

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, There are many kinds of mint, some can cook, some can make cold drinks, drink with lemon mint juice, and mint can also be rubbed on mosquito bites to cool and relieve itching. I like the taste of mint is the main reason why I grow it. There are two ways to reproduce peppermint. One is to sow seeds. I've tried this.

There are many kinds of mint, some can cook, some can make cold drinks, drink with lemon mint juice, and mint can also be rubbed on mosquito bites to cool and relieve itching. I like the taste of mint is the main reason why I grow it. There are two ways to reproduce peppermint, one is to sow seeds, which I have tried, requires enough patience, wait, and need careful care after sprouting until I grow up. But hydroponic culture is an easier one to reproduce. Convenient and simple, one basin becomes two pots. Now let me introduce the method.

1. Prepare an empty cup, plastic cup or porcelain cup. Fill it with tap water.

2. cut a longer branch from the peppermint mother branch, which can be placed for 12 hours to dry the wound, and then cut into the sand, or it can be cultured in water directly.

3. The time of hydroponics is chosen in spring and summer, when the temperature is high and warm, it is easy to take root. Usually in summer, hydroponic culture begins to take root in more than a week.

4. After about half a month, the root has grown like a beard, and it can be planted in the soil at this time.

Pay attention to regular watering. Peppermint likes big water. But the basin soil can not accumulate water, it should be soft and fertile soil. Soon, from the beginning of a peppermint will be able to develop into a large basin.

Peppermint can also be hydroponized. Hydroponic culture mainly pays attention to the following points:

1. Peppermint likes light and water, so put it where there is enough light, and you can't stay in the shade where you can't see the sun all the time. In this way, it is difficult to produce photosynthesis, take root less and grow leaves.

2. You don't have to change the water every day, usually only once a week. If there is less water in the bottle, you will add a little more, but don't fill it up. You can drop some Devodo series nutrient solution in the water, the highest concentration is 1: 400, which can provide mint nutrients, but do not use too strong nutrient solution.

3. Wash the roots while changing the water, remove some rotten leaves and keep the bottle and whole mint clean.

4. Peppermint likes water. You can sprinkle water on the leaves twice a day. Use a small spray can. In fact, the amount of water spraying is small, but because it is foggy, it can be fully absorbed. Try not to spray nutrient solution at seedling stage, just use clear water.

5. Peppermint leaves are easy to blacken. I usually remove them when I see them. Vanilla plants are not afraid to pick, but become more and more prosperous. Black leaves may also be contagious, so it is important to remove them early.

Hydroponic mint is much cleaner than soil culture, and it is also ornamental indoors! Don't be frightened by some of the defects mentioned above, in fact, you can try this hydroponic culture on your own. These guys can surprise you every day!

Time: 2019-06-09 Click: