
Common problems of raising pigs in summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Common problems of raising pigs in summer

With the gradual rise in temperature now, it also means that summer is about to enter. Summer will have a great impact on the growth of pigs, and a little mismanagement will lead to all kinds of problems. It seriously affects the fat gain of pigs, reduces the efficiency of breeding, and in serious cases, it will lead to pig death. So what are the problems with raising pigs in summer? The following editor brings you some common problems of raising pigs in summer. Let's take a look!

1. Heat stress

If pig raising in summer does not do a good job in preventing heat, it can easily lead to heat stress in pigs. Heat stress will lead to endocrine disorders, various hormone disorders, metabolic decline, and affect the fat gain of pigs. It will also destroy the thermoregulation balance of pigs and reduce their immunity. It is extremely easy to develop digestive tract, respiratory tract and other diseases. It will reduce the libido and semen quality of boars, and there will be stillbirth, abortion and other phenomena in sows. Therefore, we must do a good job of ventilation and cooling in summer to prevent heat stress in pigs.

2. The pig house is too smelly.

Excessive odor in pig houses is a very common problem in most pig houses in summer, because in the high temperature environment in summer, pig feces ferment quickly and easily become odorous, which reduces the air quality in pig houses and affects the growth of pigs. But also can breed a lot of germs as well as mosquitoes and flies, resulting in a very bad environment in the pigsty. It is difficult to prevent the disease and cause great harm to pigs. So when we raise pigs in summer, we must pay attention to do a good job of disinfection, proper ventilation, regular removal of pig manure, deodorization. During disinfection, attention should be paid to empty column disinfection and the use of chlorine preparations and other disinfectants with a wide range of adaptation to ensure that the pig house is clean enough.

3. The food intake of pigs decreased.

The high temperature in summer will have a great impact on the appetite of pigs and will reduce the food intake of pigs. Because the body heat generated by pigs when eating is a signal for pigs to regulate their food intake. When the temperature rises, pigs are under heat stress, so pigs will reduce feed intake in order to reduce heat consumption. And heat stress will encourage pigs to drink more water, so their urine output will naturally increase. So it will lead to excessive electrolyte loss and ion pump disorder in pigs. Therefore, there is a negative correlation between eating and drinking water in pigs. Therefore, in summer, we must reasonably adjust the feed, improve the pig's appetite, and ensure that the pig can grow healthily.

4. Reduction of milk

In the high temperature environment in summer, the body temperature of sows is relatively high. Therefore, the blood will dissipate heat to the skin, thus reducing the amount of blood entering the breast, resulting in a lack of nutrition, resulting in less milk for the sow. When milk is insufficient, piglets will suck milk all the time because they don't have enough to eat. As a result, black circles appear around the sows' breasts, and the piglets' heads are stained with black stains because of the high fat content of the sows. So we should pay attention to do a good job of artificial supplementary feeding of piglets in summer to ensure the healthy growth of piglets.

The above is a brief introduction to the common problems of raising pigs in summer. There are many common problems in raising pigs in summer, such as heatstroke, not obvious estrus and so on. It is all caused by high temperature, so we must pay attention to the cooling work to ensure the normal growth of sows. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.