
High pressure Propagation Technology of Plum Blossom

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Potted plum blossoms are mainly propagated by grafting, commonly used for cutting and budding. Use hairy peaches or apricots for anvil. Apricot tree old dry skin red, grafted red plum, flower skin color coordination. However, the strip pressing method can be used when the breeding capacity of plum is not large. Striping is a traditional method of propagation of plum blossoms, and it is appropriate to select 1-3-year growing branches in early spring from February to March.

Potted plum blossoms are mainly propagated by grafting, commonly used for cutting and budding. Use hairy peaches or apricots for anvil. Apricot tree old dry skin red, grafted red plum, flower skin color coordination. However, the strip pressing method can be used when the breeding capacity of plum is not large.

Striping is a traditional method of breeding plum blossoms. It is appropriate to select 1-3-year growing branches from February to March in early spring, dig a trench next to the mother tree, cut or peel the branches under the bend of the branches (0.5-1 cm wide, deep to the xylem), press them into the ditch, then cover the soil, and gradually cut off the mother tree after rooting.

Several plum blossoms want to be high-pressure and change their roots. the high-pressure branches are thick with chopsticks, and a green calyx plum main pole is too high, three or four centimeters thick. If you want to replace the peach rootstock under high pressure, what should you pay attention to?

High pressure can be carried out in the mildew and rainy season, select appropriate branches on the mother tree, wrap some mixed soil with plastic film, tie tightly at both ends, keep the soil moist, take root in 2-3 months, generally can be cut after autumn, and can form a new plant on its own.

After a month of examination, those who have taken root can cut off all the openings under the pressing strip, reaching deep into the middle, and then all cut off from the mother in 20-40 days and moved to the field for cultivation.

Large seedlings can also be propagated by high pressure method. In the rainy season, appropriate branches are selected from the mother tree to be cut or peeled around, and then mixed soil is wrapped in plastic bags. Both ends are tied tightly to maintain humidity. After a month, it is checked whether it is rooting or not. After rooting, it can be cut off and transplanted under the incision for culture.

Time: 2019-06-09 Click: