
Can peacock arrowroot be cultured? -Peacock arrowroot culture method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peacock arrowroot is a typical indoor leaf-viewing green plant, which is beautiful and charming when it is potted, and is highly sought after by flower lovers. In the article introduced in the previous small series, peacock arrowroot is mostly displayed in front of everyone in the form of soil planting. So, can peacock arrowroot be cultured in water? In fact, except for the soil.

Peacock bamboo taro is a typical indoor foliage green plant, which is graceful and charming as a potted plant, and is deeply sought after by the majority of flower lovers. In the article introduced by the editor before, peacock taro is mostly planted in front of everyone, so can peacock taro be hydroponically cultivated?

In fact, in addition to soil culture, peacock taro can also be planted in water culture, but it can not be completely separated from the medium in the process of water culture. The following editor will introduce the method of peacock bamboo taro hydroponics for you.

1. Matrix selection

As the editor said just now, the hydroponic culture of peacock taro can not be completely separated from the medium. The medium mentioned here does not refer to water, but to the cultivation of soil matrix. It is recommended to use perlite + vermiculite or peat + slag + perlite.

2. Plant selection.

The peacock taro used for hydroponic culture can be obtained from soil culture, and small plants with strong growth need to be selected, because if the plant shape is too large, because the branches and leaves of peacock taro are huge, there will be top-heavy phenomenon when used in hydroponic culture, which is easy to cause container dumping and inconvenient for maintenance and management.

3. Container selection

Even if the plant we choose is short, the hydroponic container we choose should be large enough. Because the plant will continue to grow as a result of growth, in addition to choosing a thick container, the plant size needs to be controlled by other techniques in the later stage.

4. Hydroponic culture method

Remove the plant from the soil culture flowerpot, rinse the soil on the plant root system with clean water, then put a layer of ceramsite at the bottom of the hydroponic container to help drain the water, put in the plant that washed the root system, then add the culture medium and compact it, and finally spread a layer of ceramsite on top of the substrate.

6. Maintenance and management

After planting peacock taro in a hydroponic container, the next thing to do is how to maintain and manage it.

1) spray water in time

After the peacock taro is implanted, we not only need to add an appropriate amount of water to the container, but also need to spray foliar water in time to keep it moisturized. after about 1-2 days, the leaves will gradually return to normal growth, and about a week later the plant will sprout new roots.

2) add nutrient solution

After the plant returns to normal growth and sprouts new roots, in order to promote the healthy growth of the plant, we can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into the container and change the nutrient solution every 3-4 weeks, but as long as the water quality in the container remains the same, we do not need to change water frequently. Just need to replenish the water in time.

Time: 2019-06-08 Click: