
Autumn and winter cultivation techniques of broccoli in greenhouse to understand high-yield cultivation techniques of orchids

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cultivation techniques of broccoli in greenhouse in autumn and winter

l. Variety selection

Broccoli is a vegetable that likes to be cold, and most varieties can be cultivated in autumn and winter in solar greenhouses. However, in order to improve economic benefits, attention should be paid to the combination of early, middle and late maturing varieties, and the varieties with strong plant growth potential, dark green leaves, more waxy leaves, tight flower bulbs, small buds and large bulbs should be selected. According to the experiment, Dongfang Lvbao, Yuguan, Lilu and Fanglu belong to early maturity varieties, Luling, Lvxiu and Dongfang Lvying belong to middle and late maturity varieties, and all of them can be cultivated in autumn and winter in solar greenhouse.

2. seedling

Broccoli seedling age is short (30~35 days), depending on the specific circumstances can be in mid-October, late seedlings, a large number of listed before the Spring Festival. Nursery can be used nutrition pot (10cm × 10cm) or nutrition square method (8cm × 8cm), the configuration of nutrient soil is 8 parts fertile pastoral soil plus 2 parts fully decomposed chicken manure or sheep manure, double seed sowing, seed amount per mu 20g, sowing depth 0.5~ 1cm. After sowing, irrigate water once, pull out weeds after 2~3 days of emergence, keep the seedbed moist frequently, thin the seedlings 1~2 times in time when 1 ~2 true leaves, remove the thin and overdense seedlings. The bed temperature is kept at 20~30℃, otherwise, the bed temperature is too low and the seedling age is too long, which will cause small and old seedlings, resulting in short plant shape and yield reduction after planting. If the bed temperature is too high or too high, weak seedlings will be formed, resulting in weak plant growth potential and yield reduction. When the seedlings grow to 5~7 true leaves, about 30~35 days, fertilizer control, water control, ventilation and humidity reduction are carried out, and the seedlings are tempered for 3~5 days to improve the survival rate of transplantation.

3. colonization

Before planting, 4000 kg of high-quality farm manure, 15 kg of diammonium and 10 kg of ammonium nitrate shall be applied per mu, mixed and tilled, harrowed and leveled, ridging shall be 70 cm wide and 50 cm narrow row planting, that is, ridge surface shall be 70 cm wide, ditch width shall be 50 cm, ridge surface shall be covered with 90 cm plastic film, plant spacing shall be 40 cm, and 2750 seedlings shall be preserved per mu. After planting, fertilizer and water are attacked together, mainly to promote, the temperature is kept at 8~24℃, and the plant growth is promoted as soon as possible to increase the leaf area. After about 10 days, ammonium nitrate 15kg was applied in combination with watering, ammonium nitrate 6kg was applied before the top flower bulb appeared, the temperature after flower bulb appeared was kept at 15~18℃, less than 8℃, the flower bulb grew slowly, more than 24℃, the flower bulb was loose, and the temperature of the whole plant growth period should not exceed 32℃.

4. recovery

When the flower ball grows to 0.4~0.6 kg, the diameter is 12~18 cm, the color is dark green, the flower ball is tight and not loose, it can be harvested. On the contrary, picking too early will yield low, quality decline, too late will sprout flowering, lose food value.

5. Pest control.

seedling damping-off. Seed dressing or soil treatment with 0.2% 40% seed dressing double powder, spraying 25% redoxycycline WP, 0.2%~0.3% chlorothalonil WP or 70% mancozeb powder when necessary.

Downy mildew. After the central diseased plants were found, 72% KeluWP 800 times solution and 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc WP 500 times solution were sprayed. 69% Ankemanganese zinc 1000 times solution could be used for resistant plants. The application should be stopped 7 days before harvest.

Soft rot. Avoid continuous cropping with cucumbers and other cruciferous vegetables. Under-film irrigation was carried out to control pests and reduce wounds. Seed dressing with agricultural antibiotic 751 according to 1%~1.5% of seed weight, spraying streptomycin sulfate or 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder 3000~4000 times solution, once every 10 days, continuous control 2~3 times, 3 days before harvest.

cabbage worms and aphids. 50% pirimicarb WP 2000 times solution and 25% oxanthrin 1000 times solution were sprayed for 2~3 times in the whole growth period, and the interval between two applications should not be less than 7 days. The drug was discontinued 7 days prior to harvest.