
How to sow the seeds of the full sky star

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Whether as a cut flower material or as a potted plant, Mantianxing has a very high ornamental value, and like many flowers and plants, it can propagate seedlings by sowing. So, what season is the full sky star suitable for?

Whether as a cut flower material or as a potted plant, Mantianxing has a very high ornamental value, and like many flowers and plants, it can propagate seedlings by sowing. So, what season is the full sky star suitable for?

Because of its cool habits, the most suitable temperature for growth is between 15-25 ℃ in daytime and 10-15 ℃ at night, and the season that can meet these two temperatures is generally in spring and autumn. Whether in spring or autumn, especially in early spring and early autumn, the temperature is often more appropriate and more suitable for sowing all over the sky. So, how to sow the seeds of the sky star? Today, the editor will share with you the sowing methods of the stars in the sky.

When will the stars sow?

The whole sky should be sown in early spring or early autumn, which is mainly because the temperature is suitable in these two seasons, which can fully meet the conditions of seed germination and growth. Therefore, whether it is sowing in spring or autumn, it is mainly free to choose according to everyone's needs.

The process of seed sowing:

As Mantianxing is relatively afraid of heat during the whole seedling growth period, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is always kept at 15-20 ℃, and this temperature condition can often be met in late September in autumn, so it is appropriate to sow and propagate at this time.

1. First of all, we have to choose the soil for sowing, and generally use soft calcareous loam, which can not only ensure the ventilation and drainage effect of the soil, but also make the soil slightly alkaline, because Mantianxing prefers to grow in a slightly alkaline soil environment. But before using it, it is recommended to pour it into the pan and stir-fry it to sterilize and disinfect it at high temperature.

2. After preparing the calcareous soil for sowing, soak it and soak the soil. Originality can ensure that the seeds germinate smoothly in a certain humidity environment. After drying the wet soil for a while, you can sow the seeds.

The next thing to do is to sow the seeds and then cover them with a thin layer of fine soil. Finally, the flowerpot will be placed in a cool and suitable temperature environment to wait for the seeds to germinate. But for insurance, it is usually necessary to cover the basin with a layer of plastic film to keep it warm and humid, because the temperature may occasionally drop sharply on autumn nights. But even if a plastic film is used, it is recommended to poke a few small holes in it to breathe.

4. About 1-10 days later, the seedlings will be unearthed. After that, we need to provide appropriate light to promote photosynthesis and ensure that the seedlings can grow smoothly. However, the seedlings full of stars are prone to overgrowth during the seedling period, so we need to be prepared to cover the soil in time. However, adding soil should not be too much, it can be covered properly with the help of a small spoon, and it is also necessary to control water and fertilize in time.

5. Because the seed volume is relatively small, it is often difficult to maintain and manage when sprouting, and it is easier to manage after the seedling stage. However, it is necessary to control the water in time after removing the seedlings, and it is more appropriate to replenish the water by spraying water from the suction pot, so that it is easy to control the amount of water and usually keep the soil moist.

6. When the seedlings of Mantianxing grow to a certain height, they should be transplanted into the pot in time, and the process of potting should conform to the standard. General seedlings are relatively fragile, in order to improve the survival rate, usually need to take soil for transplantation, and watering after transplanting should be careful, avoid watering the seedlings with water, and can not be watered with large water, otherwise it is easy to wash down or break the seedlings.

Time: 2019-06-07 Click: