
Matters needing attention for watering bonsai in summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer is often difficult for human activities. After all, the temperature is high, the weather is hot, and the human body consumes a lot. Not only that, even bonsai plants are often affected by hot weather and often have a variety of poor growth.

Summer is often difficult for human activities. After all, the temperature is high, the weather is hot, and the consumption of human body is quite large. Not only that, even bonsai plants are often affected by high temperature weather and often have various bad growth phenomena. In summer, the maintenance and management of bonsai plants are often much more difficult than usual, especially in the watering problem, but also sloppy. Even if watering, often also need to master scientific methods, must not blindly carry out. Today, Xiaobian will share with you the precautions for bonsai watering in summer.

Summer is also because of the hot weather, high temperature, water evaporation is large, for human activities is a test, but for the growth of bonsai plants is also a test. How to water bonsai in summer often becomes one of the most critical links in the process of conservation and management, especially the watering taboo needs to be paid enough attention to. Let's take a look at what taboos there are for summer bonsai watering!

1. Avoid watering during high temperature

Watering potted plants in summer is a highly learned technical activity, must not be carried out blindly, especially in the middle of the day to avoid the highest temperature at noon when watering. Because watering during this period of time, not only because of evaporation too fast and cause local instantaneous heat absorption and form too much temperature difference in the pot, thus causing damage to the roots of bonsai plants. The more scientific approach is to avoid the highest temperature around noon, generally in the morning and evening, and at the same time need to be combined with water spray, so as to achieve the purpose and effect of hydration.

Second, avoid using cold water

Watering bonsai plants with cool water is similar to watering at the hottest time of day, which often causes a sudden large temperature difference in the roots of the pot and damages the roots of the plant. Therefore, avoid watering during the highest temperature period of the day, and avoid watering plants with cold water that is too low. The more scientific method is to put the water prepared in advance for watering the bonsai plants beside the bonsai, so that the water temperature is as close as possible to the temperature in the soil in the pot, and then water it, so as to avoid unnecessary damage to the roots of the bonsai plants due to the low temperature and the high temperature of the pot soil.

3. Avoid using improper water sources

The watering of bonsai plants and the quality of water sources are very important. Because most bonsai plants are acid-loving plants, we cannot use water with high salinity, and for bonsai plants, soft water should be used for watering. Many pot friends do not know this point, so often put some tap water directly in the pot soil, and after a period of time found that bonsai plants appear poor growth phenomenon only to find that the original water source for watering plants caused by improper, thus bringing unnecessary losses. The water source of bonsai plants generally uses rainwater, river pond water, and purified water if conditions permit. If you really have to use tap water, you need to let it stand for a few days in advance, so that the chlorine in the tap water can be used for watering after evaporation.

IV. Avoid using large water for urgent irrigation

In summer, the watering of bonsai plants should pay attention to controlling the rhythm, but not to irrigate randomly, mainly because in the high temperature environment, the pot soil becomes dry and the sudden flood service will not only make the plants unable to adapt quickly, but also may cause different degrees of damage to the root system. Moreover, for shallow rooted plants like Xia Juan, it was easy to wash out the roots of the plants with heavy irrigation and irrigation. After all, these shallow rooted plants were often planted in shallow pots, and they were generally suitable for planting in shallow pots. Such as Xia Juan, not only shallow pot shallow planting, but also its root system is very thin, lack of strong root system, and its root system is relatively fragile, after irrigation with water not only easy to wash it out of the soil, but also easy to break the root system.

Therefore, although the watering of bonsai plants in summer is to irrigate water, it is also necessary to control the amount of water and rhythm, and generally adopt a long-term soaking method to supply water, so as to achieve the purpose of watering, and at the same time it is safer.

Time: 2019-06-06 Click: