
How to plant seedlings in pots and how to fertilize orchids scientifically?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant Cymbidium seedlings in pots

Gentleman orchid

Magnolia sowing and breeding, careful management, generally 3-4 years can blossom.

The ripe peel of Cymbidium fruit turned red, dried in the shade for about a week after harvest, peeled off the seeds and selected one by one. The key to seedling emergence is to master temperature and moisture. It is required that the basin soil temperature is 20 ℃-25 ℃, watering with a fine nozzle spray can, often keep the basin soil moist, not dry or stagnant water. The flowerpot can be covered with glass and covered with a layer of white paper to keep the seeds warm and moisturized, so that the seeds can germinate smoothly, generally rooting in about 30 days, and leaves can be produced in 50 Mel 60 days. After the seedling leaves, gradually remove the glass, after half a month or so can be divided into pots. The second tube basin should be selected and cultivated with fertile humus sandy loam. The root length of the seedlings can reach more than 3 cm in 3 months, and there are 4 long leaves in the same year. If you change the number one barrel pot or chrysanthemum jar in the spring of the following year, it will grow to 710 leaves by the end of the year. In the third year, change the No. 2 cylinder and use 30 grams of horseshoe tablets as base fertilizer.

When the seedlings grow to 5 Mel and 6 leaves, they enter the exuberant stage of human growth, and they should provide sufficient water and fertilizer. Every 10 days or so can be combined with watering, after the application of rotten thin liquid fertilizer, the growth period timely watering, looking for water, to keep the basin soil moist. Shelter from rain and waterlogging in midsummer, do not have direct sunlight. Often sprinkle water to the leaf surface, not only wash dust, cool down, but also increase air humidity. According to this management, if the leaves grow to about 20 in the fourth year, you can begin to see flowers; there are few flowers in that year, but there will be more and more in the future.