
The prevention and cure method of root rot disease of Cymbidium, how to plant Cymbidium?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant magnolia?

1. Selection of soil. Clivia belongs to fleshy root, suitable for growth in loose, fertile, breathable soil, fertile loose neutral or weak acid soil is the best choice of clivia soil, soil selection for clivia cultivation is the first key factor for success.

2. Pour. Clivia watering remember a principle-do not dry without watering, watering will be watered thoroughly. If you pour too little at a time, the damage to Clivia is particularly large.

Clivia watering time is also the machine to pay attention to, generally in the morning or evening watering is appropriate, hot summer noon should not be to Clivia watering. When watering, avoid flowering to avoid festering.

3. Fertilization. As for the choice of fertilizer for Clivia, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are beneficial to the growth of Clivia, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied less. When fertilizing must grasp the good quantity, excessive easy to cause Clivia leaves appear charred symptoms. Before winter flowerpots enter the room, you can use bone meal, fried sesame seeds, cooked soybeans, etc. or compound fertilizer to irrigate water every 15 to 20 days.

4. Heat preservation. Clivia growth in winter the most suitable temperature is 15-20℃, it is best not to be lower than 10℃, 0℃ Clivia will be frozen, so winter must be done insulation measures. After flowering stems, indoor temperature should be maintained at about 18℃, high temperature is easy to lead to small flowers, short flowering, low temperature, short flowering, affecting the quality and ornamental value of Clivia.

5. Light. The growth of plants requires light, for Clivia, prefer scattered light, can not be direct light. In winter, we should pay attention to the needs of Clivia for light. Clivia raised indoors can be in a place with sufficient light, especially Clivia that is about to bloom, and it needs sufficient light to ensure the healthy development of flower buds. And good ventilation, suitable lighting environment is conducive to the extension of flowering Clivia.