
Matters needing attention during flowering and fruiting period of balsam pear

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention during flowering and fruiting period of balsam pear

Balsam pear is a common vegetable in life, its taste is a little bitter, but its efficacy is also more, often used to dispel inflammation in the body, a lot of bacteria also have a good resistance around, in the summer can also play the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat. Balsam pear planting method is simple, but in the flowering and fruiting period to pay attention to a few problems, let's take a look.

1. Artificial pollination

After entering the flowering and fruit setting period, artificial pollination should be carried out in time every day, and the method of artificial pollination is relatively simple. first of all, the male flowers can be picked off and the stamens of the male flowers will be smeared with the style of the female flowers, so that pollination can be completed. Generally, each male flower can pollinate more than 2-3 female flowers. If the planting area is large, the pollen can be collected, mixed with fillers and sprayed and pollinated. Although the effect is not as good as manual pollination, it saves time and effort.

2. Pick the vine

Balsam pear is easy to grow lateral vines, and these lateral branches are very easy to grow male flowers. at this time, these useless lateral vines should be removed in time, so as not to cause unnecessary consumption of plant nutrition, affect female flower development and fruit setting, and make plant nutrients concentrate on female flowers and young fruits, improve fruit setting rate and promote young fruit growth.

3. Reasonable retention of melons

Many branches of balsam pear have more flowers, but due to poor growth or abnormal growth of many melons with insufficient nutrients, this kind of melon has no commercial value and will only waste the nutrition of the plant. So for this kind of connected dense melons or malformed melons should be removed in time, so that the good growth of balsam pear can get better growth, reduce the loss, but be careful in the operation.

4. Strengthen fertilizer and water

Although some melons do not grow well, they have been growing for a long time, but they grow strangely because of insufficient nutrition, so in the flowering and fruit setting period, it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply more organic fertilizer and provide sufficient nutrients to promote the growth and strength of seedlings and ensure adequate nutritional growth and development of fruits.

5. Disease control

Balsam pear is very prone to powdery mildew in the process of growth, and its leaves are thick, so we should pay attention to drug control in advance to prevent the disease. We should also pay attention to reduce the single use of nitrogen fertilizer, pay attention to the reasonable collocation of fertilizer, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves, compete with fruit for water and fertilizer, which is not conducive to fruit growth and development.

The above balsam pear flowering and fruiting period points for attention, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.