
The style, layout and styling characteristics of Sichuan style Bonsai Art

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The long history and superior natural conditions have promoted the continuous development of bonsai art, while the resplendent Ba-Shu culture and local unique rich natural materials have given birth to today's unique Sichuan bonsai art. Pursue the pictorial style of nature, form and spirit: Sichuan style bonsai comes from life and is higher than life.

The long history and superior natural conditions have promoted the continuous development of bonsai art, while the resplendent Ba-Shu culture and local unique rich natural materials have given birth to today's unique Sichuan bonsai art.

Pursue the pick-up style of nature, form and spirit:

Sichuan style bonsai modeling comes from life, but also higher than life, it gets rid of the pure imitation of natural mode, adding more perceptual elements and rational control. The material is natural, the performance is natural, the trees are rarely drilled, carved hard chisels, although repeatedly processed, but there is no trace of chopping and axe cutting; and the rigorous poetic rhythm to reflect the beauty of symmetry, balance and rhythm.

Lingxiu's beautiful, profound and distant layout:

The layout of Sichuan bonsai comes from the local famous mountains and rivers, and is famous for the combination of trees and stone mosaics. it integrates the seclusion of Qingcheng, the show of Emei, the danger of the three Gorges, the male of Jianmen and the wonder of Wushan, which skillfully expresses the mysterious and secluded temperament of the local mountains and forests. Materials are often selected to show elegant characteristics of June snow, mosquito mother, stick stem begonia and other short and multi-fold tree species and changing multi-angle stone combination. The main mountain is towering and majestic, while the auxiliary mountains are arranged closely and in different shapes, showing deep and beautiful, especially the combination of many plants and bonsai, beautiful mountains and rivers, Wuhua Tianbao. It is obviously different from the Su-style bonsai which combines the stone with the stone and the tree species with the circle and cloud.

The styling features of stable atmosphere, elegant and elegant style:

The development of Sichuan style bonsai art has experienced a process from simple to complex and from complex to simple in shape. The former "Jane" is simple, and the latter "Jane" is concise. Like other bonsai schools, the modeling of Sichuan bonsai is based on the principle of painting composition, but at the same time, Sichuan bonsai selects materials from nature, constantly summarizes the rules and patterns from imitating the posture and changes of old trees, and then develops into eight body methods and three branch methods through the refinement and perfection of artists of all ages.

Sichuan bonsai abandons affectation and emphasizes center of gravity and balance, so the plant shape is more stable. The branches are flat, the trunk is tilted, firm in softness, and the silver hook is drawn with iron, which is like the calligraphy of the face, which appears to be very generous and dignified. It is the first choice for opposite scene and main scene in square and indoor greening.

Its branches climb and bend, forming oval, broad oval, fan-shaped branches, mostly arranged left and right. In order to achieve lightness and change, the detailed shape of changing branches and the dense changes of branches and leaves are used to weaken the falling and heavy feeling of bonsai, not only left and right branches, but also front and back branches. Or arrange various bending ways of branches (such as vertical curved branches, oblique curved branches, curved branches, etc.) in the crown space to form elegant and elegant modeling features in the atmosphere and elegance.

The Luohansong pile scene in the picture above is shaped by the body method of Sichuan send-off crutches, with branches on the left and right, stable and elegant. The sloping trunk weakens the falling trend of the bonsai, and the wind-blowing branch method forms the momentum. The flat, stable and curved shape of the top film and the inclined layout fully reflect the characteristics of Sichuan style bonsai.

Time: 2019-06-04 Click: