
Maintenance and management skills of Lingnan banyan bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lingnan banyan bonsai can grow in three or four seasons, but in this process, it is easy to grow fast, obese and tender, which leads to a decline in the age quality of many molded works. Affected by the cold climate, our bark grows slowly, so it has the characteristics of old skin, tight skin and experienced piles.

The banyan bonsai in Lingnan can grow in three seasons or four seasons, but in this process, it is easy to grow fast, fat and tender skin, which leads to the decline of the age quality of many molded works. But we are affected by the cold climate, the bark growth speed is slow, thus has the skin color old, the skin tight, the pile body old road characteristic, then causes after the molding the work to have the vicissitudes esthetic feeling.

Banyan tree is evergreen tree species, tenacious vitality, long life and strong adaptability, but in the conservation process still need to pay attention to the following points:

Land: fig tree is evergreen tree species, like light, semi-shade tolerance. The growing season should generally be placed in a ventilated and transparent place.

Watering: fig trees are both drought and moisture tolerant. The amount of watering depends on seasonal changes and the cold and warm weather. In spring and summer, our land is affected by natural climate, so the indoor environment is also relatively dry. At this time, water should be supplied to the plants in time. In autumn, the water supply should be appropriately reduced according to the specific conditions of the plants. When winter comes, the indoor heating starts in an all-round way. The watering should also be dry and wet. If the owner goes out, the potted plant should be properly shaded before departure to minimize the loss of water from the plant.

Fertilization: banyan tree likes fertilizer. During summer and autumn growth period, decomposed cake fertilizer can be applied once every 15 days, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed simultaneously. Compound fertilizer and granular fertilizer can be selected for family conservation and fertilization. The method is to apply thin fertilizer frequently, grasp the fertilization season, and stop fertilization in winter.

Pruning: The germination of fig trees is very strong and has the characteristics of pruning resistance. In the continuous growth of plants, such as natural growth, without restraint, it is bound to affect the tree posture and lose its artistic value, so it is necessary to prune in time, cut off excessive long branches, and branches, weak branches, cross branches, overlapping branches and so on. Long branches cut short, dense branches cut thin, to maintain the elegant tree posture and proper proportion. In addition, the growth season should be to plant core and wipe buds, so that the bonsai up and down, around the branch plate do not cover each other, can get sunlight and rain moisture, in order to achieve the best growth of plants.

Turning pots: banyan trees grow faster, small bonsai change once a year, medium bonsai change once every two years, large bonsai can change once every three to four years. Ficus like loose fertile acid soil, its nutrient soil available alluvial sandy soil and retting good organic fertilizer mixed. In the process of changing pots, one-half or two-thirds of the old soil can be removed and dead roots, weak roots and injured roots can be cut off in time, and growth agents can be applied and implanted into the soil. After planting, it is necessary to irrigate enough root fixing water at one time.

Insecticides: banyan pests are mainly aphids and red spiders, available Arawan, scale kill and omethoate at the same time spray kill. In spring and autumn, methyl thiophanate should be sprayed to achieve the purpose of sterilization and make bonsai grow better.

Keep warm: our outdoor temperature in winter is as low as-26 ℃, so we need to build greenhouses to keep warm. On this basis, heating equipment should also be equipped. When snow comes, snow should be removed in time, and boiler heating should be burned to ensure that the minimum room temperature of trees is not lower than 8℃ to 10℃ before they can safely overwinter.

Maintenance: after the formation of banyan bonsai began to enter the viewing maintenance period, two times a year can be stripped for brocade to enjoy the bones, the rest of the time can enjoy the leaves and tree posture, so it is a four-season can be appreciated. After each pruning bud can be picked, both to maintain the tree shape unchanged, but also to make the leaves smaller.

Time: 2019-06-04 Click: