
The natural beauty of bonsai trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Appreciating the beauty of bonsai, like other arts, is always a matter of benevolence and wisdom. Bonsai is mainly made of natural trees and rocks, in which plants have the characteristics of life, so natural beauty is an important aspect of bonsai beauty. The natural beauty of trees includes roots and trunks.

Appreciating the beauty of bonsai, like other arts, is always a matter of benevolence and wisdom. Bonsai is mainly made of natural trees and rocks, in which plants have the characteristics of life, so natural beauty is an important aspect of bonsai beauty.

The natural beauty of trees includes the beauty of roots, trunks, branches and leaves, flowers and fruits and the overall posture, as well as the beauty of colors that change with the seasons.


The slightly exposed soil surface of the roots of the trees gives people a sense of solidity; there are those whose roots are exposed, there are dragons and tigers, several roots are connected and become connected, and some are rooted in stone crevices. "if you bite on the green hill, you will never relax". Therefore, in the bonsai, there are some art forms, such as "lifting root type", "connecting root type" and "stone attached type", which mainly appreciate the root.


Although the trunk of the tree has been artistically processed, it still has natural tree potential and charm. Such as straight, vigorous and straight, qu Gancang ancient colorful, each has its own characteristics. Dry skin is old and tender, some rough, some smooth, such as black pine dry skin covered with scales, while bamboo plants are smooth and interesting. There are also many colors of tree trunks, including black, beige, yellowish brown, emerald green, purple and black, and so on. In addition, some semi-decaying tree trunks, in contrast to thriving branches and leaves, can give people a sense of "dead wood in every spring".


The shape of leaves varies from tree species to tree species. There are needle shape, scale shape, egg shape, fan shape, palm shape, melon seed shape, and strange leaf shape. The texture of the leaves is hard and soft, thick and thin, leathery and paper. The colors of the leaves are rich and varied, including dark green, light green, yellowish green, red, edge, flowers and leaves, and so on.

Flowers and fruits:

The shape and color of flowers are the most varied. In the bonsai of flowers and trees, there are rhododendron, broom, pomegranate flower, plum blossom and so on. There are also many forms of bonsai, such as fire thorn fruit, Tongfei fruit, Elaeagnus angustifolia, bergamot fruit. The color of the fruit is also very rich, including golden yellow, red, fuchsia, yellowish green and so on.

Time: 2019-06-04 Click: