
The preservation method of edible fungi. Vinegar is a health agent for flowers.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Vinegar is a health agent for flowers.

Vinegar plays an important role in flower cultivation. Proper spraying of vinegar solution can make flowers grow vigorously, with many flowers and colorful colors, especially for flowers that do not grow well.

Treatment of chlorosis

Many flowers, such as camellias, rhododendrons and foliage plants, often turn yellow due to lack of iron, high PH value of potted soil, improper management, etc., then you can use 10 grams of vinegar and 3 kg of water to spray the leaves before 10:00 or after 4 p.m. Once every 10 days, it can be changed from yellow to green by spraying for 4 times or 5 times.

Promote plant growth

Spraying the whole plant before the camellia bud with 300 times vinegar solution, once every 15 days, can increase the camellia leaves by 0.2 to 0.4 cm, increase the number of flowers by 8%, and increase the branches by 20%. Watering flowers and trees with 150-2000 times vinegar solution can overcome the physiological diseases caused by the alkalinity of pH value of potted soil.

Enhance disease resistance

Such as rose powdery mildew, rhododendron black spot and rose and peony bituminous coal disease, once found, spraying with 150 times vinegar solution for 3 times can be effectively controlled. Spraying vinegar also has a certain therapeutic effect on flower downy mildew, leaf spot and so on.

However, the following points should be paid attention to when spraying vinegar on flowers:

① must choose good edible vinegar and avoid chemical industrial vinegar and rotten vinegar.

② concentration must be strictly controlled and must not be increased at will.

③ spraying time is usually in the morning and evening, be sure not to spray in the hot sun.