
Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of edible fungi and three fertilization methods for potted flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Three fertilization methods for potted flowers

In general, there are three commonly used fertilization methods for family flower cultivation:

Base fertilizer: A method of mixing pre-decomposed fertilizer into the soil in a certain proportion during seedling and pot replacement to provide long-term growth needs. Fertilizers generally use their own production of organic fertilizer, such as decomposed cake fertilizer, bone meal, fried melon seeds, etc., the effect is very good. It should be noted that do not let the roots of flowers directly contact the fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to burn the plants due to hypertrophy.

Topdressing: During the flower growth period, due to the limited pot soil, the base fertilizer loses its strength after a long time and can no longer provide sufficient nutrients for the plant. At this time, according to the needs of different growth periods of flowers, there are selected supplements of various fertilizers. You can use chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer. When using chemical fertilizer, avoid plant branches and stems, sprinkle into the pot soil; or dilute the fertilizer and irrigate it. Chemical fertilizer is easy to use and effective, but long-term use will make the basin soil hardened and the soil permeability is poor. The self-made organic fertilizer has complete nutrients, long fertilizer efficiency and can also improve the soil. It is recommended that we use more organic fertilizer and use less chemical fertilizer as much as possible. When using organic fertilizer, you can spray it with new lipid membrane + flower strong spirit diluted with water, or bury it shallow around the plant, and also avoid rhizomes.

Foliar fertilization: This method can save plants that are neglected or malnourished in time. Convenient, fast, economical and effective. For family-raised flowers, generally divided into indoor and outdoor two kinds, it is recommended that indoor flowers with indoor potted flowers preservation fertilizer; outdoor flowers can be used outdoor potted flowers preservation fertilizer. The method is to dilute the fertilizer to a certain proportion, spray it directly on the leaves of the plant with a sprayer, and absorb it by the leaves.

In addition, attention should be paid to the timing of fertilization: topdressing and foliar fertilization should be carried out when the soil in the pot is dry, and the plant absorption effect is the best at this time. Before fertilizing, loosen the soil first, so as to facilitate the rapid infiltration of fertilizer and reduce the loss of fertilizer. Black Dragon