
Flower production should pay attention to the breeding of improved varieties and understand the cultivation techniques of edible fungi.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Attention should be paid to the breeding of improved varieties in flower production

With the development of global flower production, there are also some problems in China's flower industry, such as large dependence on imports of flower bulbs, high prices of high-grade flowers, resistance of flowers, poor resistance to diseases and insect pests and so on. These situations show that it is urgent to carry out flower breeding and improved variety breeding.

1. The traditional concept must be changed. While introducing new varieties, flower producers should improve the scientific and technological content of cultivation substrate, cultivation techniques and maintenance management, so as to make the flowers produced have good shape and pure color. At the same time, we should actively select improved varieties and carry out improved variety breeding in the process of flower production.

2. Pay attention to the discovery of good characters. In the process of cultivating flowers, we should be dedicated people and pay attention to observation. If it is found that the flowers planted are different from the general characters, they should be marked in time and observed regularly. If the character is stable, it can be used as a breeding material or as a breeding material for breeding new varieties. Usually, the flowers are short and strong, free from diseases and insect pests, strong resistance, large flower shape, strong double petal, bright colors and long flowering period.

3. Strengthen the market consciousness. The market is oriented and pay attention to the breeding of improved varieties, which can lead to the marketing road of low input and high output of flower producers. The implementation of improved varieties of flower cultivation and the targeted selection of improved varieties in the right way will bring huge economic benefits to flower producers and operators.

4. Specialization of flower production. The common "mass action" and "small and comprehensive" practices are not desirable, and flower production should pay attention to the combination of professionalism and planning. Professionalism means that flower producers mainly manage 1-2 types of flowers, using high-tech means to cultivate flowers, cultivate excellent varieties, and improve the quality of flowers; planning means to innovate year by year and maintain strong market competitiveness under the guidance of market demand.