
Fertilization techniques and methods of edible fungi and rational irrigation of flowers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rational irrigation of flowers

Most of the water that flowers need to grow comes from the soil. Maintaining proper soil moisture content is a necessary condition for flowers to develop normally and obtain higher ornamental quality. Due to the different cultivation methods of flowers, there are certain differences in irrigation amount and irrigation time.

1. The reasonable watering of flowers planted in the field is relatively simple, rainy areas should pay attention to drainage, especially after the rain should be timely drainage, such as drought without rain, also need appropriate irrigation, keep the soil moist, do not make the soil surface turtle attack, so as not to tear the roots. Land planting should avoid flood irrigation, conditional gardens, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation can be used.

In the dry north and water shortage season, in addition to drought control measures, appropriate irrigation must be carried out in time according to rainfall conditions to meet the water needs of flowers and trees in the growth process.

The irrigation quantity and irrigation frequency of ground-planted flowers and trees mainly vary according to the variety, growth stage, weather and soil quality of flowers and trees. According to the soil dry and wet conditions to master irrigation, the specific operation should pay attention to the following points:

(1) According to the growing season of flowers, irrigation should be carried out throughout the year. In summer, the temperature is high and the evaporation is large, so more irrigation should be carried out. In winter, the plants generally stop growing, and the temperature is low, so less irrigation should be carried out. For one day, irrigation is generally carried out in the morning, but in summer, water evaporation is fast, and irrigation must be repeated at about 4 p.m.; winter morning temperature is low, irrigation is unfavorable, and it is best to irrigate at 10~11 a.m.

(2) According to the soil quality to determine the amount of irrigation and irrigation times, sand quality of the porosity is large, water storage capacity is strong, easy to waterlogging, it is appropriate to irrigate more. Clay soil wet mess, dry when a knife, pay attention to waterlogging prevention at the same time, but also pay attention to drought prevention, timely tillage loose soil, appropriate reduction of irrigation times, each watering amount should be increased as appropriate. Humus soil rich in organic matter, loose texture, large water storage capacity, neither too easy to dry nor too easy to flood, under the same circumstances, irrigation amount and frequency can be reduced accordingly.

(3) Irrigation should be carried out according to plant types and growth periods. Broadleaf and hygrophilous plants should be irrigated more, while leaflets, needles and cacti should be irrigated less. Seedling should be less irrigation, into the growth period and flowering period (need to observe the fruit) should be more irrigation, seed maturity should be less irrigation, dormancy more control irrigation. In addition, the leaves of giant pittosporum, African violet and gerbera flower buds are easy to rot after irrigation. These special circumstances should be noted.

2. The reasonable watering of potted flowers The watering of potted flowers and ground flowers have the same place. Both should consider water quality and water temperature, but also according to the thermophilic requirements and growth stage of various plants, as well as the growth, appearance and weather changes at that time, irrigation according to the sky, irrigation according to flowers, and selection of appropriate watering timing and appropriate watering quantity. The root system of potted flowers grows in a certain space, so watering is more complicated than planting. Potted flowers should also pay special attention to pot watering.

(1) Look at the weather watering is mainly to see the season and weather changes to determine whether irrigation and water requirements. In the specific operation, the following points should be noted:

Look at the seasons: Spring temperature rises, flowers and trees wake up from dormant state, leaf buds germinate rapidly, some flower buds begin to grow, the water demand of potted flowers begins to increase, especially in the north, the first time after potted flowers come out of the room must be watered thoroughly, and then with the gradual increase of spring temperature, the expansion of plant vegetative bodies, transpiration and evaporation, it is necessary to gradually increase the watering times, shorten the interval between two watering days, generally from early spring watering once every 2~3 days, Increase watering once every 1~2 days. Spring sowing annual flowers and trees, because at this time is still in the seeding stage, seedlings small, slow growth, consumption of water is small, usually watered more, will reduce the pot temperature, affecting seedling growth. Summer weather is sunny and hot, sunshine is strong, and most flowers grow and develop the most vigorous season, at this time leaf transpiration and soil evaporation increased sharply, only to further increase the watering frequency and watering amount to meet the water requirements of flowers, in case of sunny days at least once a day watering. The weather is hotter, and often sunny high temperature dry weather, so that the pot surface strong evaporation, pot soil moisture dropped sharply, at this time is the most water demand, water consumption season. Drought is a serious threat to potted flowers over summer. If you are not careful, you can wither or even die due to drought. Therefore, in case of sunny days, water should be poured once in the morning and evening. In special circumstances, when the basin soil turns white and dry, water should be replenished in due time. But summer is in dormant or semi-dormant state potted flowers, such as cyclamen, etc., should reduce the number of watering and watering. Try to keep moderately dry, but not too dry, too dry on the summer dormancy of flowers and trees is also unfavorable. Autumn is the transition period from summer to winter, sunshine weakened, temperature gradually decreased, potted flowers and trees to slow growth period, at this time leaf transpiration and soil evaporation correspondingly decreased compared with summer, generally 2~3 days of irrigation once water can be. Winter is the season with the lowest temperature throughout the year, most potted flowers should be transferred to indoor winter, deciduous flowers and trees on the ground withered leaves in a dormant state, at this time, plant transpiration insignificant, general pot soil is not too dry do not need watering, dry irrigation wet stop, appropriate bias on the contrary to most flowers and trees winter favorable. The flowers in the greenhouse are generally watered once every 1 to 2 weeks, and at most 4 to 5 days can basically meet the needs. Do not water too much and too frequently.

② Look at the weather: Different watering methods should be adopted for different weather, and appropriate amount should be carried out according to the changing trend of the weather. In case of drought and windy weather, it should be watered more and thoroughly. In case of cloudy weather forecast, it should stop watering, less watering or slow watering. In case of rainy and continuous weather, it is not necessary to water but also remove the accumulated water in the basin at any time. After the rain stops, it should also pay attention to withholding water. Relative humidity weather should be less watering, so that the basin soil dry, and early less rain, relative humidity is small, the future forecast no rain should be more watering.

(2) Watching flowers and watering flowers is to choose the appropriate watering time and appropriate watering quantity according to the wet requirements of various flowers, the growth stage and the growth and appearance at that time. In the specific operation, we should pay attention to the following problems:

① According to the types and varieties of flowers, watering time and watering amount should be determined: flowers that like wet and need more water should be watered more; flowers that like drought and need less water should be watered less. General herbaceous flower stem and leaf tender, need water more; woody flower stem hard need water less. Cactus and other succulent plants prefer dry to wet; bulbs, corms flowers should not be too wet for a long time; peony and other fleshy roots like dry and wet, should not be watered more; aquatic flowers like water and fear drought Crown diameter of broad-leaved, multi-leaf flowers should be watered more, crown diameter of narrow leaves, lobular flowers should be watered less.

② The watering time and watering amount should be determined according to the growth stage of flowers: flowers in the vigorous growth stage should be watered more, and flowers in the slow growth stage should be watered less. Most flowers do not need much water at seedling stage, watering should be properly controlled at squatting stage, pot soil should be kept wet frequently during vigorous growth period, water should be properly controlled at early flowering stage of some woody flowers, and normal watering should be resumed until the end of flower bud differentiation. Enter anthesis period basin soil between dry wet, after flowering basin soil can not be too wet. Seed and fruit mature stage pot soil should be slightly dry, dormant stage should reduce watering frequency and watering amount, keep soil not too dry on the line. Potted flowers need watering, often reflected from the external morphology, such as new leaves, tender leaves and young buds, young flowers wilting indicates that flowers begin to lack water, the severity of wilting can roughly reflect the amount of water needed; on the contrary, plants are long, stems are thin and tender, leaves are thin and yellow, buds are sparse, indicating excessive watering. Sometimes flowers after wet damage will also appear common leaf yellow, deciduous and flower drop symptoms of drought-affected flowers, to decide whether to water differently, such as plants do appear due to drought leaves and tender branches droop and other serious wilting symptoms, it is best not to water immediately, but should first move potted flowers to shade, a little water, wait for branches and leaves to basically return to normal, then irrigate enough water, can restore vitality. If there is too much water in the pot for a long time, the potted flowers should be moved to a well-ventilated light-proof place in time, fertilization should be stopped, watering should be strictly controlled, attention should be paid to dredging drainage holes, deep cultivation and loosening should be carried out in time to promote evaporation of water and improve the ventilation condition of root area, spraying a small amount of water mist on wilted branches and leaves, which is also beneficial to the healing and recovery of root system and maintaining the water balance in plant body. If plant wilting is caused by excessive fertilization, shade immediately and water repeatedly to reduce excessive soil solution concentration, while raising the bottom of the pot to promote rapid overflow of excess water through the bottom holes. In particular, it should be noted that some potted flowers with strong drought-loving nature do not have abnormal external morphology at the beginning of drought, but once the obvious wilting phenomenon occurs, it will inevitably affect the ornamental effect of plants. It is obviously too late to water them again at this time. Therefore, judging whether potted plants need watering from their external appearance is sometimes not completely reliable.

(3) Potted flowers should pay special attention to pot watering. Pay attention to the following points when specific operation:

① Look at the texture of the flowerpot: the commonly used clay pot texture is relatively rough, there are countless fine pores in the wall of the pot, these pores have strong water permeability, and the water lost through these pores every day is considerable. And purple sand pottery basin, color glazed porcelain basin, texture is very delicate, basin wall pores are few, permeability is too poor. The flowerpot with coarse texture needs to be watered more frequently, and the amount of watering each time needs to be larger, while the use of ceramic pots to raise flowers should not be watered too much, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots to die. The old clay pots are mostly blocked by mud due to the gaps in the basin walls, and the watering times and watering amount should also be reduced as appropriate.

② Look at the size of the flowerpot: the small pot has limited capacity, less water storage, and a larger surface area, more water loss than the large pot, and faster drying. Therefore, the number of small pots should be watered more, and the amount of watering should be less. However, the number of large pots watered each time should be slightly more than that of small pots, otherwise it is easy to appear waist water phenomenon. If the basin is too small to meet the needs, it should be replaced in time.

③ Look at the color and weight of the pot soil: When the soil is dry, the color becomes lighter, the weight becomes lighter, and the hardness increases. Wet soil is the opposite. Therefore, if your pot soil color white, light weight, feel hard, indicating that the pot soil has been in, should be timely more water, the pot is still dark gray or dark brown, heavy weight, soft feel, indicating that the soil is wet, temporarily do not need watering.

④ Look at the soil quality in the basin: the soil with heavy sand quality, coarse texture, large porosity, fast leakage, small water storage capacity, weak water holding capacity, easy to waterlogging, should increase the watering frequency appropriately. The sticky pot soil is a mess when wet and a knife when dry. While paying attention to waterlogging prevention, we should also pay attention to drought prevention. Cultivate and loosen the soil in time to break the hardening of the pot soil surface. The watering frequency can be reduced appropriately. The amount of water should be increased as appropriate for each watering. The evaporation of the pot surface is low, the texture is loose, the water storage capacity is large, and the water supply amount and frequency are reduced appropriately.

5 Listen to the sound of the pot: When you tap the flower pot gently with your fingers, if the pot wall makes a crisp sound, it indicates that the pot soil is dry and should be watered; if the pot wall has a low and dull dullness, it indicates that the pot soil is wet, and there is no need to water it temporarily.

6. See if there are any abnormal conditions that need to be dealt with: for example, when the soil moisture is insufficient, the newly potted flowers often appear the phenomenon of pot and soil separation. At this time, if a large amount of water is directly watered, it is bound to cause rapid loss of water along the separated cracks through the bottom holes. In this case, it is best to plug the cracks around the pot wall with culture soil, and then slowly inject a small amount of water, and then water the pot soil according to the conventional method.