
Matters needing attention in rehydration of edible fungi and control of three stinging pests in flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Control of three stinging and sucking pests in flowers

Aphids, red spiders and shell insects are the three most common piercing pests that harm flowers and trees. They do harm to many kinds of flowers and trees, whether they are woody flowers such as Milan, jasmine, rose, Michelia, plum blossom, or herbaceous flowers such as chrysanthemum, geranium, balsam flower and so on. After years of exploration and experiments, the author has summed up some simple, easy and effective prevention and control methods, which are not only convenient to obtain materials, but also do not pollute the environment.

Aphids. Aphids, also known as armyworm, occur all the year round. There are many kinds of aphids, usually green, yellow, black, brown, harmful to rose, pomegranate, chrysanthemum, gardenia and other flowers. They gather on the buds, leaves or twigs of the plant. Suck the juice and harm the bud core and petals. The branches and leaves of the killed plants were yellowed and deformed, the buds were spoiled, and the florescence was shortened. In severe cases, the plant will wilt and die.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Use 50 grams of fresh or dry red wine chili peppers, add 30 to 50 grams of water, boil for about half an hour, and spray the damaged plants with its filtrate.

two。 Use 3 to 4 grams of washing powder, add 100 grams of water, stir into a solution, spray 2 to 3 times in a row, the control effect is up to 100%.

3. Use "wind oil essence" to add water 600 to 800 times the solution, use a sprayer to carefully spray the pests, so that the insect body stained with potion. The effect of killing aphids and shell insects and other pests is more than 95%, and will not cause drug damage to the plant.

4. The detergent, urea and water are mixed into a mixture according to the ratio of 1: 1 / 4 / 4 / 100, and then sprayed with it to kill insects and fertilize two birds with one stone.

Red spider. Red spider, also known as short-whisker mite, is a pest that specifically harms flower leaves. The body of a red spider is the size of a needle, crimson or purplish red, and only red dots can be seen with the naked eye. Its nymphs often gather on the back of leaves and buds of some flowers and harm plants by sucking juices with prickling mouthparts. The initial symptoms are chlorosis of leaves and upward rolling of leaf edges, then leaves wither and fall off, resulting in bud atrophy and plant death in severe cases. Red spiders produce 7 to 8 generations a year, and the damage begins from March to April, and is serious from June to July, so it occurs after the end of April. The plants should be observed and checked frequently. In the case of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation, red spiders reproduce very fast, which can cause serious losses.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Soaking citrus peel with water for about 10 times for one day and night, spraying plants after filtration can control aphids and red spiders, such as watering soil nematodes.

two。 15 grams of washing powder, 15 milliliters of 20% caustic soda and 7.5 kilograms of water were mixed and sprayed. A day or two later, the mortality rate of adults and nymphs of red spiders was 94Mel 98%.

3. Take 50 grams of plant ash, add 2500 grams of water, fully stir, soak and filter for two days and nights, add 3 grams of washing powder and spray evenly, once a day for three consecutive days, and then spray for three days every other week, which can eliminate the second generation pests. It can also control stinging pests such as aphids, red spiders and shell insects. Put it into the soil to control maggots.

4. Light a plate of mosquito-repellent incense, place it in a pot of diseased plants, and tie it tightly with a plastic bag. After smoking for about an hour, both eggs and adults can be killed. This is a good way to save money and get results quickly.

Shell worms. The body of the scale insect is wrapped in a horny carapace, and it is not effective if it is sprayed directly with medicine. Scale insects, like lice that suck human blood, absorb the sap of plants, thus causing great harm to flowers. The injured plants not only grow poorly, but also have yellowing leaves and early defoliation. In serious cases, the plant will wither and die. The endangered flowers are Milan, jasmine, camellia, Michelia and so on.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Mix liquor with water at 1:2. When controlling insects, water through the surface of the basin soil. Scale insects begin to move when the room temperature is 7 ℃ in spring, and can be poured once in the middle of April, and then every half a month or so, four times in a row.

two。 With vinegar (rice vinegar) 50ml, soak small cotton balls in vinegar, gently wipe the damaged stems and leaves with wet cotton balls, you can wipe off the shell insects. This method is convenient and safe. It can not only achieve the purpose of disinfestation, but also make the damaged leaves green and bright again.

3. By gently rubbing the diseased plant with alcohol, the shell worm can be removed, and it can be removed very clean and thoroughly. For example, when you wipe the leaves of diseased orchid plants with alcohol, you can not only get rid of the scale insects, but also completely kill the larvae that are not visible to the naked eye, and the harm of scale insects is rarely found the following year. This method is simple, safe and effective.

4. Diesel oil, washing powder and water are mixed into mother liquor in the ratio of 10-0.6-6. At this time, the mother liquor is in the shape of milk. After diluting with water, the shell worms on Milan, kumquat and cycad are carefully sprayed. A week later, most of the scale insects changed from fresh orange to withered.