
Pests and Control of Flower Juice and Identification of Edible fungus Diseases

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Insect pests of sucking flower juice and their control

Piercing pest refers to a kind of pest that sucks the juice of flower tissue with needle mouthparts, which causes discoloration, yellowing, curling, deformity, wilting and even the death of the whole plant. Some species are also disseminators of plant diseases. although these pests are small, they can cause great harm to flowers. There are four common pests that suck flower juices.

1. Scale insects: also known as scale insects. The insect has a small body and many species, and their common feature is that the body is covered with a shell or powder or woolly waxy secretion, which is fixed in a certain part of the leaves and stems of flowers, and sucks the juice of flowers, leaves, branches or fruits with mouthparts. The damaged plant has yellow leaves, withered branches, discoloration and discoloration of fruit surface, early defoliation and fruit drop, and honeydew in its excretion, which can lead to many diseases and kill the whole plant in serious cases. This pest occurs for one or more generations a year, harming all flower species. It is mainly spread by larval crawling, and this is the best time for spraying and killing.

Prevention and control methods:

When the insect pest of ⑴ is serious, it should be brushed off manually and then sprayed.

⑵ when the female is damaged in the fixed stage, apply 50% "1605" to the base of the stem with a brush. Woody flowers, can be carved with a knife at the base of the epidermis, and then apply medicine, so that the plant will absorb the drug, will be poisoned to death.

⑶ observation, grasping the active stage of larvae can only be effective. Ideal results can be achieved by spraying 1000 times of omethoate or 50% fenitrothion, or 1000 times of malathion, or 1500-2000 times of fenvalerate, once every 10 days for 2 consecutive times.

Aphids are the most common pests in flowers. There are many kinds of aphids, which often cluster in the tender parts of plants, such as tender tips, tender leaves, young buds and so on. The leaves of the injured plants are tender and easy to curl and turn yellow. Therefore, it can lead to many diseases. Aphids are also vectors of many viral diseases. More than 10 generations occur every year.

Prevention and control methods:

⑴ protects natural enemies such as ladybugs and lacewings.

⑵ strengthens management, removes weeds and eliminates overwintering eggs and nymphs.

⑶ spray 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times, or 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000-3000 times.

Third, red spider: it is a kind of red bug, which can just be seen with the naked eye. Miscellaneous eating habits do harm to many kinds of flowers. When sucking plant juice with a prick aspirator, the leaves appear small yellow and white spots, and even extend to the whole leaf, which makes the leaves wither and fall off quickly, and in serious cases, it can cause the death of the whole plant. This pest occurs for many generations a year, and the damage is the most severe in the high temperature season from June to August.

Prevention and control methods:

Properly increasing the ventilation rate of ⑴ can reduce the breeding of red spiders.

⑵ was sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times.

⑶ is sprayed with 1.8% avermectin EC 4000-6000 times, which is a low-toxic and efficient agent specifically used to kill red spiders.

Fourth, whitefly: commonly known as small white moth. It is a widely distributed pest in open field and greenhouse. Harm jasmine, rose, dahlia and other more than 200 kinds of flowers. The harm is mainly caused by adults and larvae clustered on the back of the plant leaves to suck juice. Adults have a yellowing tendency. The breeding speed of this pest is fast, about one generation in 20 days, and the quantity is large, which directly affects the growth and development of plants, but also affects the beauty.

Prevention and control methods:

Taking advantage of the yellowing tendency of adults, ⑴ oiled yellow plastic plates to trap and kill adults.

⑵ protects and utilizes natural enemies, such as aphid wasps.

⑶ was sprayed with 2000 times of propofol or 3000 times of chlorpromazine.