
Understand the cultivation techniques of edible fungi and the prevention and control of common flower diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Prevention and Control of Common Flower Diseases and insect pests

The production of flowers is a relatively intensive industry. Beautiful flowers make people feel happy, but if they are not careful, they will often be harmed by diseases and insect pests. Here are some common prevention and control methods of flower diseases and insect pests for reference only.

Fusarium wilt is one of the most harmful diseases of flowers and plants. Fungi live in the soil during germination, and this pathogen exists all over the world, and the possibility of complete removal is very small, so seedbeds, pots, substrates, fillers and mixing tools, as well as contact areas when handling soil materials must be kept clean so that fungi do not hide in them.

The occurrence environment of Fusarium wilt is as follows: (1) before seed germination, the substrate humidity is too high, the sowing density is high, and the medium temperature and humidity are relatively moderate will promote the rapid germination of seeds, promote the rapid development of seedlings and reduce the incidence of Fusarium wilt.

Fusarium wilt rarely destroys all the seedlings on the whole seedbed. It is mainly infected in flakes on the seedling bed and in the seedling plate where the seeds are sown by hand. In the seedbed sown in rows, the whole seedbed is often destroyed. Once Fusarium wilt occurs, most people are eager to water the damaged seedbed with insecticides. however, insecticides can not effectively kill the fungi in the substrate, root rot will not be cured, and fungi will still survive in the seedling plate. When Fusarium wilt continues to develop, it is best to pull out all the seedlings, dump and disinfect the matrix in the seedling plate, replace the disinfected new substrate, and then sow the seeds. If Fusarium wilt becomes a periodic disease, consider buying seeds that have been treated with fungicides when buying seeds. This protects the seed from fungal infection during budding and early growth.

Botrytis cinerea, which can cause Botrytis cinerea, can be found virtually everywhere there are flowers and plants.

Latent Botrytis cinerea can be found on the surface of seeds and on mature seedlings. Sometimes they lurk in the branches and leaves of crops, develop to the flowers that are about to fail at any time, and spread, destroying plant tissue. If you want to control flowers and plants from botrytis cinerea, you must do a good job in hygiene and epidemic prevention. Because the residual branches and leaves of crops are the nutrient source for the survival of fungi, the elimination of residual branches and leaves and dying tissue will reduce the overall number of fungal spores. A more effective way to prevent and cure gray mold is to reduce indoor humidity every morning and strengthen ventilation before sunset. Heat up after ventilation to maintain air circulation in the crop canopy. Fungicides for the control of Botrytis cinerea in many kinds of flowers and plants are sold in the market. It should be noted that Botrytis cinerea has developed resistance to several major systemic fungicides such as:

Prodione,Chipco26019,Vinclozolin,Otnalin,thiopharate,methyl,Domain,FL,Topsin,M,Cleary5336 . The best way to control and prevent Botrytis cinerea is to choose an effective insecticide, strictly control indoor humidity and do a good job of disinfection.