
Matters needing attention in replenishing water with edible fungi, laughing at how to raise a gentleman orchid, the culture method of a gentleman orchid.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise Cymbidium the cultivation method of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is a kind of orchid, which mainly grows in southern Africa and Hubei Province in China. The plant is usually about 38 centimeters, and the color of the flower is orange and yellow, with a little light green. Smiling gentleman orchid leaf color dark green, elegant posture. For laughing gentleman orchid how to raise it? Next, let me introduce to you the breeding method of laughing gentleman orchid.

The culture method of laughing gentleman orchid:

Like a warm and cool environment with plenty of sunshine in winter and a little shade in summer. Loose and fertile rotten leaf soil is required. Room temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter or higher than 30 ℃ in summer, which is disadvantageous to growth and flowering.

Laugh at the gentleman's orchid basin

When potted, choose sand and peat or sand and rotten leaf soil. The basin of the adult seedling should be changed every 2 ~ 3 years, and the size of the basin is determined according to the seedling. Change the soil when changing the basin, and retting at the same time with cake fertilizer, barnyard manure, etc., in order to promote the rapid growth of Magnolia.

Smiling gentleman orchid watering

Smiling gentleman orchid likes warm and humid environment, its fleshy roots are well developed and has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is afraid of waterlogging, and it is best to keep the relative humidity of the soil at 80%-90%, not less than 60% at ordinary times. Wash the leaf surface with tea water every week to make the leaf surface fresh and bright. In short, the four seasons as long as the spring bogey wind, summer sunscreen, autumn rain, winter is not dry to maintain exuberant plant growth, luxuriant flowers and leaves.

Smiling gentleman orchid temperature

The suitable temperature of Cymbidium is 15-20 ℃. When the plant growth is higher than 25 ℃, the plant growth is poor, and the excessive growth of leaves often occurs, which affects the flower bud differentiation. At this time, attention should be paid to ventilation and cooling; when it is lower than 10 ℃, the growth is slow; when it is below 0 ℃, the plant will freeze to death. Attention should be paid to cooling in summer, which can promote flower bud differentiation. The temperature difference between day and night is large, which is beneficial to the growth of Cymbidium, and the suitable temperature is 6-10 ℃.

Smiling gentleman orchid fertilizing

Cymbidium can be fertilized after 1 month, fertilized and watered once in 10-15 days, and should be stopped in summer. Half a month before the arrival of the two growth peaks in spring, it is appropriate to apply dried bean cakes or chicken dung in the basin, but not too close to the root, so as not to hurt the root. After autumn begins to conceive buds and blossom, it is necessary to increase the application of phosphate fertilizer to make the flowers big and colorful, and can prevent the occurrence of arrows. When applying fertilizer, do not pour it on the leaves or in the leaf sheath. If the fertilizer is not enough, the leaves are not glossy, the flowers are few and small, and there will be the phenomenon of blooming every other year. Regular topdressing is generally carried out in spring and autumn, but less in summer and winter.

Smiling gentleman orchid light

Smiling gentleman orchid leaves are broad, according to a certain shade-tolerant, like semi-shade environment, the plant leaves growing in 50% light transmittance environment are green and green, which can greatly improve the ornamental effect. The light will also affect the arrangement direction of the leaves of Cymbidium. On one side, the leaves that were originally arranged in a shape will be confused, resulting in a decline in ornamental effect, so we should pay attention to let the plants receive light evenly and rotate the direction of the basin regularly.

The laughing gentleman orchid sows seeds

The fruit of Cymbidium often changes from green to red 8-9 months after flowering. Rubbing with hands at this time, the fruit feels hard and rustles, indicating that the seeds are ripe and can be harvested in time. The seeds can be sown 2 days after they are removed from the fruit; if they are placed for too long, the bud eyes will dry and shrink, and the emergence rate will decrease significantly. The sandy soil rich in rot is the best in seedling substrate. When sowing, place the seed hole facing the sky and cover the substrate to cover the seed. Water it after sowing and keep it warm with plastic film, but keep the aerated pores. The suitable germination temperature is 20 ℃, and it can take root after one month. After two true leaves are grown, the seedlings can be divided into pots. Ramet propagation is feasible in four seasons, and the effect of spring and autumn is the best.

The ramets of Cymbidium

When ramets, first control moisture, when the basin soil is semi-dry, separate the lateral buds from the mother plant, and the wound is coated with plant ash. When there is no liquid exudation from the wound, it should be planted in the pot, and it should be placed in the semi-shade place after the basin. The temperature should be maintained at 20: 25 ℃, and it can germinate after one month.

Prevention and control of diseases and pests in Cymbidium

1. Sunburn: all the leaves turn yellow, which is caused by long-time strong light in summer. Shade cultivation should be used, and the yellowed leaves can be cut off.

2. Root rot disease: the symptom is that the leaves start yellowing from the leaf tip, and the new leaves produce little or no new leaves. The reason is that there is too much water in the basin or the bacteria are immersed from the root-cutting wound during planting. The solution is to carefully dig the plant out of the soil and check that if a small part of the root system is rotten, the rotten part can be removed, the section is coated with sulfur powder or plant ash, and then replanted with new soil. If most of the roots rot, the roots are completely removed from the root neck, sterilized with 200x diluted copper sulfate (CUSO4) solution, and then inserted into the river sand. The basin sand is kept moist and dry and placed in a ventilated and shaded place to make it take root again.

3. "Arrow clip": in cultivation, it often occurs that the orchid is unable to pull out the scape and blossom after the bud is pregnant, which is called "arrow clip". It has something to do with temperature and fertilizer. The main reason for the arrow trap is that the temperature is not suitable. The florescence of Cymbidium is mostly from December to March, when the room temperature is less than 14 ℃, the temperature difference between day and night is very small, and the flowers grow slowly after extraction, which leads to the phenomenon of arrow entrapment. The solution is: when the flowers and plants are exposed, the room temperature should be raised to more than 20 ℃ immediately, and the room temperature at night should be about 12 ℃, so that the temperature difference between day and night can be more than 18 ℃. It can also be poured into the soil with 25 ℃ warm water to accelerate the arrow. When the room temperature is too low, plastic film can be used as a frame to cover the flowerpot and place it in the sun to increase the temperature to urge the arrow.

4. Anthrax: this disease mostly occurs in the rainy and humid season, and the disease spot is mainly at the edge of the middle and lower leaves. Moist brown spots appeared on the leaves at the initial stage of the disease, and then gradually. Gradually expand into an oval disease spot, and produce concentric ring lines on the disease spot, the disease spot is dry in the later stage, and there are many small black spots scattered on it. Control methods, one is to remove dead branches in late autumn or early spring. Fallen leaves and cut off the diseased branches in time, and burned together; second, spray 65% zinc 600 times solution before the disease; third, reasonable fertilization and watering, pay attention to ventilation and transparent light; fourth, at the initial stage of the disease, spray 50% carbendazim diluted 500m 800 letter, or 50% Tob body fluid, or spray with 75% chlorothalonil solution diluted 600m 800 times.

Cultivation techniques of Cymbidium

1. Reproduction

Ramet and sowing and propagation are commonly used. Ramet, after flowering in spring every year, the orchid will take down the offspring next to the mother plant and plant them separately. If there is no fleshy root on the seed plant, it can be planted in the sand first and potted after taking root. Sowing, indoor pot sowing in winter, room temperature should be more than 20 ℃, otherwise the seeds are easy to rot. It sprouted 20-25 days after sowing. It takes 4 or 5 years for seedlings to blossom.

2. Cultivation

Pot plants should not be watered so as to be moist. During the rainy season from May to June, prevent Rain Water from rushing and showering, so as to prevent the roots and leaves from getting sick and rotting. Pay attention to spraying water to cool down during the summer high temperature period. Proper topdressing in autumn promotes leaf growth. Heating up and keeping the soil moist in winter is conducive to flowering.

Laugh at how to raise the orchid, and the breeding method of the orchid will be introduced here. I believe it will be helpful to my friends.