
Notes on introduction of Edible Fungi and production techniques of Edible Fungi in Autumn

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Production technology of edible fungi in autumn

Each season has its own characteristics, blindly copy mechanically, the result will not be satisfactory, this is the basic concept that technology adjusts with the season. Taking autumn production as an example, the key technical points are as follows:

First, base material fermentation, pay attention to uniform fermentation materials, in addition to Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus comatus and other varieties that must be sown with fermentation materials, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus are also used. Years of practice and investigation tell us that one of the biggest problems in fermentation material cultivation is uneven fermentation: different maturity, different moisture content, and even various abnormal conditions such as anaerobic fermentation, resulting in the cultivation effect is difficult to ideal. Therefore, attention should be paid to the principle of turning the pile: internal and external uniform, up and down uniform, according to the fermentation temperature and weather conditions, each turn should be properly watered; the secondary fermentation of Pleurotus ostreatus must meet the temperature requirements and maintain the specified time, otherwise, it is very likely that a large number of ghost umbrellas will occur, leading to the failure of production.

Second, the temperature is still high. Note that in most areas, from March to the end of October, the base number of pests of mushrooms, mosquitoes and flies has been relatively high, especially dung flies. During the period of base material mixing or fermentation, they tend to taste and lay eggs near the material. When sowing raw materials with eggs, live worms enter the bag or go to bed when sowing fermented materials, and harm will be formed during the fermentation period, resulting in "bacteria withdrawal", that is, the hyphae are dense in the initial stage. Then the hyphae became less and less until the bacteria were completely sterilized. Therefore, clean up the surrounding environment and spray the liquid once before mixing. During the period of mixing or bagging, if there are mushrooms, mosquitoes, mushrooms and flies, spray and kill them, and finish sowing as soon as possible.

Third, high humidity, pay attention to anti-impurity autumn production, air relative humidity and ground moisture are large, such as bacteria in the greenhouse, in case of high temperature or poor ventilation, the probability of pollution is quite high, which is one of the main reasons why fresh mushrooms are less on the market in early autumn. Pollution is mainly common Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Mucor and so on. In clinker cultivation, Alternaria is the "number one killer". Once formed and spread, it will lead to cultivation failure. Therefore, the germ shed is strictly disinfected before opening, cleaned up, sprayed with medicine, and then uncovered to make it sunny. Under the condition of high temperature, the drug is fully effective. After 2 days, cover the grass to cool down and sprinkle the ground with a layer of lime powder. After that, the bacterial bag after sowing can be moved into the sterilization period; during the germicidal period, drug prevention should be sprayed. Note that the selected drugs should be pollution-free and safe for people.

Fourth, strict control, pay attention to the removal of miscellaneous bacteria during the period, strict removal of miscellaneous, once pollution occurs, immediately remove the contaminated bacteria bag out of the shed, drug treatment, in order to prevent spread.

Fifth, the growing speed is faster, pay attention to the temperature in early autumn is very suitable for mushroom, fruiting body occurs quickly. As the growing speed is faster, it should be harvested in time, and the principle is to harvest early rather than late, preferring to reduce production because of early harvest rather than aging because of late harvest. Aging mushrooms not only taste poor, but also waste a lot of base material nutrition, and Coprinus comatus and other varieties, once harvested late, will open the umbrella and autolysis, losing commercial value.