
To master the methods of topdressing edible fungi and introduce the comprehensive control measures of edible fungus diseases, insects and miscellaneous fungi.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Introduction of comprehensive control measures for edible fungus diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria

The comprehensive control of edible fungus diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria refers to the coordinated application of ecological, biological, physical, chemical and other factors to control diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria. Its basic guiding ideology is to give priority to prevention, that is, without damaging the ecological environment, through reasonable arrangement of mushroom production layout, selection of excellent varieties, scientific cultivation and management measures, and selection of economic and effective control methods, form a complete organic prevention and control system to achieve the purpose of reducing harm and improving efficiency. The following are the main measures for the integrated control of edible fungus diseases, insects and miscellaneous fungi:

First, select excellent bacteria. Varieties with strong resistance and suitable for local climatic conditions should be selected for cultivation. Inoculated with pure species, robust mycelium growth, no bacterial poison, no miscellaneous bacteria and pest pollution.

Second, prepare high quality culture materials. The raw materials used for growing mushrooms should be fresh, non-rotten and moldy, and fully dry. After cutting, some branches and leaves can be preserved, and the bark should be protected as far as possible. Sections and other wounds should be coated with lime water to reduce bacterial contamination. Before composting, the cultivated substitute should be exposed to the sun for 1 to 3 days to kill some harmful microorganisms and pests in the material.

Third, improve sanitary conditions. The stacking and cultivation places should be far away from the pollution sources such as fermentation fields and stables, and should be disinfected regularly. Disinfectant tanks or lime pits should be provided at the door of the mushroom shed for pedal disinfection. The staff should wear overalls when they enter. Overalls and all tools should be disinfected regularly. Before feeding, the walls, bed frames and floor of the mushroom room should be thoroughly disinfected with 1 ∶ of carbendazim solution and 0.5% dichlorvos solution to kill latent diseases and pests. If possible, a filtration device can be set up in the vent to reduce the content of diseased and miscellaneous bacteria spores in the air of the mushroom room.

Fourth, make good use of the culture materials and cover the soil for sterilization. The culture materials cultivated with raw materials had better carry out secondary fermentation: the first fermentation was carried out outdoors for 10 to 20 days, during which the pile was turned three times, and the second fermentation was carried out on the indoor bedstead, which required closed doors and windows and heated with steam or coal stove to keep the indoor temperature in the range of 60-70 ℃ for 30 minutes. The culture material of clinker cultivation must be sterilized thoroughly, such as atmospheric pressure sterilization takes more than 8 hours, high pressure sterilization takes more than 2 hours, and ensure uniform heating. The soil-covering materials were treated with carbendazim, formalin and other agents, or placed indoors when feeding, and pasteurized by the high temperature of secondary fermentation.

Fifth, strengthen the management of cultivation sites, improve environmental conditions, meet the requirements of mushroom growth as far as possible, and improve its ability to resist bacteria and miscellaneous bacteria. The cultivation place should be always ventilated, keep the air fresh, and adjust the temperature and humidity according to the requirements of different mushrooms. During cultivation, spray or spray 0.2% soapy water, 3%-4% lime water or 5% formaldehyde solution every day; pay attention to check the cultivation bed frame or section of wood, dig and destroy the diseased mushrooms or miscellaneous bacteria in time, and use lime water and other disinfection.

Sixth, adopt physical methods to prevent insects. The doors, windows and vents of cultivation facilities such as mushroom houses, mushroom sheds and air-raid shelters should be installed with insect-proof screen; black light can be used to trap insects indoors, but the lights should be turned off when opening the door to prevent insects from entering the outside.

7. Appropriate use of chemicals. In the cultivation sites and old producing areas with serious diseases and insect pests, pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity and no adverse effects on the growth of edible fungi can be selected for control. The commonly used medicaments are: (1) mixing materials with 1000 times of 50% carbendazim, mixing soil materials or spraying the surface after covering soil can kill many kinds of harmful fungi; (2) spraying mushroom bed with 1000 times solution of 65% Dysen zinc (which can touch mushroom body). It can kill a variety of bacteria and miscellaneous bacteria; (3) indoor spraying with 1000 times solution of rotenin can control shell insects, mushroom flies, jumpers, etc. (4) spraying or soaking wood with 1000 times of triclofenac in the mushroom room can effectively control mites; (5) 30 grams of 10% Kexianling granule per ton of culture feed can kill nematodes; (6) 1.5 to 3 kg snail poison bait is added every 50 kg bean cake bait and placed indoors, which can trap snails and slugs. (7) spraying the cultivation ground with 5% or 20% salt water in the evening can also kill snails and slugs.