
Material selection and cultivation of dragon cypress bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Dragon cypress, originated in China, tree-shaped thin, cylindrical, towering upward, new branches around the dry, shaped like Azure Dragon around the column, so it is called dragon cypress. The leaf shape is small and dense, the leaf color is emerald green, the scale-like interactive selection, the fruit is spherical blue, the four seasons do not change, it is a better shape and high quality ornamental tree in the park courtyard.

Dragon cypress, origin of our country, tree thin pointed, cylindrical, straight upward, new branches around the trunk and health, shape like green dragon around the column, so called dragon cypress. Small and dense leaves, green leaves, scale-like alternate selection, spherical blue fruit, the same all the year round, is the park courtyard relatively excellent shape, high-quality ornamental trees.

Dragon cypress is usually used cutting, grafting and other methods of propagation. Cuttings are generally carried out in April, cuttings should be selected about 10 years old mother tree, cut the upper peripheral branches of the crown. Young tree branches due to growth is not full, root survival rate is low, not to take. Cutting 12-20 cm long, cut off the small lateral branches of the buried part, immerse the base in 500PPM indoleacetic acid solution for about 1 minute, take out the cuttings immediately, insert about 1B3 or 1B4 deep, press the soil with fingers after insertion, make the soil close to the cuttings, irrigate thoroughly, and then set up a shed for shade. Seedbed soil is best used sandy loam or moldy soil, loose and fertile, suitable for growth. Generally, cuttings take root quickly in about 50 days, and the survival rate can reach more than 80%.

grafting commonly used Platycladus orientalis or Sabina chinensis rootstock technique, with Platycladus orientalis as the best, Platycladus orientalis seedlings should not be too large, generally the best two years old, in early spring with abdominal grafting method, rootstock does not have to cut the upper part, and the lower part of the stem close to the ground with a knife to the stem oblique cut, and then cut the tip of the top of the branch of Sabina chinensis, about 20cm long, cut the base into an oblique plane, inserted into the rootstock cut, with plastic tape tied up and grafted ears buried in the soil, about half of the tip exposed outside, After grafting completely survives, cut off the Platycladus orientalis tree, and then manage it normally. After two years, it can be transplanted to make small bonsai.

Grafting propagation should adopt abdominal grafting method, usually 3-year-old Platycladus orientalis seedlings as rootstock, 2-year-old Sabina chinensis shoots as scion, in spring April for abdominal grafting, after grafting buried soil to the grafting part. Choose piles directly from the nursery. Generally, the material for making large and medium-sized dragon cypress bonsai is to buy semi-formed stumps from nurseries for about ten years, with a diameter of about 7cm-12cm. Such piles are formed quickly and the branches transition naturally.

After survival, the upper branches and leaves of the rootstock can be cut off first in April of the next year, and then the rootstock can be cut off at the joint, and the viable one can be reconnected. As long as the technology is correct, the survival rate can reach more than 90%. Grafted seedlings are easy to manage and grow fast, suitable for making dragon cypress potted landscape.

Time: 2019-06-02 Click: