
What if longevity flowers don't blossom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20,

Although the longevity flower has always been a gift for elders because of its beautiful name (I have also given several pots to my family), it also has a very foreign name-Christmas cabbage. Because it is a flower blooming near Christmas, I always feel that this name matches its lovely shape. If your family's longevity flowers do not blossom, you may have neglected some maintenance knowledge.

Longevity flower is a succulent plant that can be used not only as a foliage plant, but also as an ornamental flower. The florescence lasts for more than 4 months, hence the name longevity flower. But some flower friends are very confused, why their own longevity flowers do not bloom, let's analyze the reasons why longevity flowers do not bloom.

First of all, we know that in order to make plants blossom, adequate sunlight and fertilizer are indispensable. According to the editor's understanding, many flower friends are used to not changing pots for many years. According to observation, the roots of some varieties of longevity flowers will age naturally after two years. Even withered phenomenon, because longevity flowers are relatively simple to reproduce, cuttings, leaves can be easily propagated. So we suggest that flower friends plant strong longevity flowers for 1-2 years.

Let's talk about the light, longevity flowers like the sunny environment, the midsummer noon to avoid strong light exposure, the rest of the time can be placed in the sun, every day to see at least 4 hours of direct light in order to grow healthily. In order to make the longevity flower plant flowers evenly, we should pay attention to often change the direction of the flowerpot, so that the plant balanced to receive light, the building balcony every semimonthly to turn the flowerpot 180 degrees. Although the semi-shade can also grow, but the stem thin leaves thin flowers less light, far less luxuriant than the sunny place. If the shade is not only easy to lose leaves and no flowers, even if the flowering plants are placed in the shade, the flower color will become dim, and then the flowers will fall off and wither.

Then talk about the effect of fertilizer on longevity flowers, longevity flowers like fertilizer. After half a month of planting seedlings or half a month of old plants, liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen can be applied 2 to 3 times to promote the growth of stems and leaves, and can be applied once after flowering to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, we can only apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot, such as accidentally dirty leaves, rinse off with water. The flowering period of longevity flowers is long, so it is necessary to break the commandment of not applying fertilizer during flowering period, and apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a month, so that the later flowers will not become small and pale due to lack of fertilizer.

Fertilizer from longevity flower frost to October of the following year happens to be the late differentiation and full flowering stage of longevity flower buds, so there is a great demand for fertilizer. Fishy fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium should be applied once a week before flowering to promote flower bud differentiation. The florescence is dominated by the application of quick-acting potassium dihydrogen phosphate, with a concentration of 2%, once every 10 days.

To sum up, if you want to raise longevity flowers well, you must first understand their habits. Although longevity flowers are easy to raise, it is not so easy to raise them well. From watering, lighting, fertilizing, and starting, you need to figure out every link. Only in this way can you grow longevity flowers with luxuriant leaves and green flowers.


Many people grow longevity flowers will encounter a problem: the plant is very healthy but does not bloom! What to do!? Well, longevity flowers belong to short sunshine flowers in winter. In other words, keeping it in a place with strong indoor light will affect flowering. At this time, we only need to use cartons to cover them from 5pm to the next morning to promote flowers.

Domestic longevity flowers, if possible, should be kept outdoors as far as possible or intermittently, with at least 4 hours of direct light every day (strong shading at noon is the best) before the plant can grow healthily. Otherwise, the longevity flowers will become thin and tall and grow in excess of light for a long time.

Time: 2019-06-01 Click: