
What if gardenia doesn't blossom? The reason why potted gardenia does not blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia leaves are evergreen all the year round, flowers are fragrant and elegant, green leaves and white flowers are particularly beautiful and lovely. It is suitable for front steps, poolside and roadside configurations, and can also be used as flower hedges and potted plants, and flowers can also be used for flower arrangement and wear decoration. Gardenia trees are elegant, with bright green leaves, evergreen in four seasons, white flowers in summer and fragrant fragrance.

Gardenia leaves are evergreen all the year round, flowers are fragrant and elegant, green leaves and white flowers are particularly beautiful and lovely. It is suitable for front steps, poolside and roadside configurations, and can also be used as flower hedges and potted plants, and flowers can also be used for flower arrangement and wear decoration. Gardenia tree elegant, bright green leaves, evergreen four seasons, summer flowers white, fragrant, is a good tree species for viewing flowers and leaves. Small-leaf finch flower is more suitable for making small bonsai and hanging branch bonsai.

Raising gardenia will not only encounter the situation of yellowing leaves, but also encounter the situation that the leaves are green but do not bloom. Flower friends do not know what to do if gardenias do not blossom. What can tell them is that it is difficult to accurately say that they do not bloom because of what? only from all aspects to analyze, flower friends self-investigation, the following listed some common reasons why gardenias do not bloom.

Florescence of Gardenia jasminoides:

The flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides is in spring and summer, and it can blossom continuously from May to June to August, but there will be some early or relatively late cases. The flowering time varies in different regions because of different climates.

How long is the flowering period of gardenia?

In fact, the flowering period of gardenia is relatively long, one flower can bloom for 3-5 days. Sometimes, the flowering period of a larger plant can be as long as a month.

Flowering period management of Gardenia jasminoides

In order to make gardenia blossom exuberantly, the following work can be done: liquid fertilizer can be applied about half a month before gardenia blossoms. Watering 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution once or twice in the bud stage can make the flowers fat and fragrant. Do a good job of fertilization, can prolong the florescence. Gardenia flowers should be truncated in time to promote the germination of new branches.

In addition, except for strong light from July to August noon and winter dormancy period, gardenia generally need to be preserved in the sun in order to blossom and flourish.

What if gardenia doesn't blossom? The reason why gardenia does not blossom:

1. High alkali content in soil.

Gardenia likes slightly acidic soil, basin soil contains high salt and alkali, the plant leaves will turn yellow, affecting flowering.

2. Improper lighting

Gardenia is a shade-loving plant, occasionally see light, summer shade, winter can give appropriate light, too strong and weak light will affect the flowering of gardenia.

3. Water and fertilizer are not suitable

If there is too much water and fertilizer, the plant will grow (grow tall but not strong). Of course, this weak branch will not grow flower bud, resulting in no flowering or few flowering, some of which will bloom or even fall off immediately. In the period of flower bud differentiation, special attention should be paid to the collocation of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, which is conducive to flower bud formation and bud pregnancy; excessive fertilization and watering during the bud period will also cause falling flowers and seedlings.

4. Too tight without pruning

Gardenia jasminoides branches disorderly, a large number of miscellaneous branches consume a lot of nutrients and branches are too dense, affecting photosynthesis, are the important reasons for not blooming.

How to make gardenia blossom?

When gardenia does not blossom, measures need to be taken to change the situation. We can analyze the reason why gardenia does not bloom and prescribe the right medicine to the case.

1. In terms of lighting, it is generally necessary to pay attention to shade in summer and keep gardenias in warm places indoors with better light in winter to avoid keeping gardenias from blooming because of lighting problems. In addition, before planting gardenia, you can acidify the soil and change the acidity and basicity of the soil, which is beneficial to the growth of gardenia.

2. In the aspect of water and fertilizer management, we should pay attention to rational watering and fertilization in daily life, and pay attention to the application of flower fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the period of flower bud differentiation to promote flowering.

3. in the process of daily maintenance, prune the plant in time according to the growth of Gardenia jasminoides to make it grow normally and blossom. In the process of planting, we should also pay attention to insect control.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: