
What about the insects in potted plants?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nowadays, the planting of succulent plants has gradually become the mainstream in China. Although succulent plants are easy to raise, many problems are still concerned about novices. For example, what if the potted plants at home can easily give birth to worms? Common pests include aphids, shell insects, whiteflies, net bugs, ants, red spiders and so on.

Nowadays, the planting of succulent plants has gradually become the mainstream in China. Although succulent plants are easy to raise, many problems are still concerned about novices. For example, what if the potted plants at home can easily give birth to worms? Common pests are aphids, shell insects, whitefly, net bugs, ants, red spiders and so on. Most potted plants are kept indoors. If you buy pesticides, they will pollute the air. Today we will introduce several chemicals that are both environmentally friendly and insecticidal:

1. Cigarette butt insecticidal method

It is well known that smoking is harmful to health. But many people don't know that tobacco can also kill pests. The method is to use the cigarette butt (remove the filter), mix it with 10 times the water, soak it for one day and night, and then soak the filtrate through the soil of the flowerpot to kill the ants in the pot; or mix it with equal proportion of water and filtrate and spray it on the job, which can cause nerve paralysis, poisoning and death of insect pests.

2. Self-made wind oil essence insecticide

The mixture of 100ml water and 3 drops of wind oil essence can be sprayed on plants to control aphids, shell insects, moth and butterfly larvae, and red spiders.

3. Pepper water is insecticidal

After boiling half of the water with pepper and water at the ratio of 1:10, cooling and spraying it on the plants at 1:10 can control whitefly, aphids and shell insects.

4. Chili water

Chili peppers boil in the proportion of 1:10 with water for half an hour, and then spray directly on plants after cooling, which can control aphids and net bugs.

5. Vinegar water

Spraying bottled vinegar to water 5 times and 6 times every 3 days can control shell insects.

6. Garlic liquid to prevent insect pests

Mash the garlic into fine garlic paste, add water in the proportion of a clove of garlic to 100ml water, stir it into a pulp, soak and filter it and spray it on the surface of the basin soil to control ants or earthworms.

7. Ginkgo fruit

Put the ginkgo fruit into the mortar and add the same amount of water to filter the original solution. When in use, the original solution is diluted with water at 1:2 according to the volume ratio, which can control aphids.

The most important thing for people who grow succulent plants is scale insects. Summer is the period of high incidence of scale insects. Some flower lovers may have found traces of scale insects. If not, of course it would be better. In fact, there is no need to panic when you find scale insects.

Succulent plants are more or less likely to break out scale insects sooner or later. The reason is that scale insects are so powerful that they not only harm succulent plants, but also are the first of the three prickly sucking pests in landscaping (the other two are red spiders and aphids). It is also the most difficult to control many kinds of plants. on the other hand, scale insects like to hide the environment and their branches and leaves are too dense, which is conducive to their survival and reproduction. The leaves of succulent plants are not only too dense, they are simply too dense, and it is normal to be targeted by scale insects.

If you can see the bugs, you can first remove them with round-headed tweezers, and then spray some carbendazim. The insect pests that succulent plants are usually prone to occur should be shell insects.

Shell insects are not unfamiliar to those who grow succulent plants. Succulent plants are basically free of insect pests, but this shell bug is always inevitable. I hope it can be removed quickly. But you may not know that the shell bug you hate is still a precious economic resource insect, which has its footprints more or less in your life, because it is widely involved in many industries such as food, cosmetics, medicine, and so on. For example, Starbucks was banned from red berry desserts and strawberry cappuccinos two years ago because their raw materials involve shell insects.

The damage of scale insects generally has the following characteristics:

1. Morphological degeneration, chest foot degeneration or complete disappearance. Generally, except for newly hatched larvae, once fixed, other insect states no longer move and feed in one place for life.

2. It can secrete wax to cover the insect body and form a variety of shells. With the increase of the age, the shell thickens, and it is generally difficult for drugs to reach the insect body.

3. Large reproduction, such as thousands of eggs per female, thousands of eggs per female, 4 or 5 generations per year, and perennial damage.

4. Plant bituminous coal disease can be induced by scale insects.

5. Some environments which are unfavorable to plant growth lead to the decrease of plant growth momentum, which is beneficial to the occurrence of scale insects.

The following is to introduce the means of inoculating and killing scale insects:

1. Physical killing

Pick to death one by one with needles, toothpicks and tweezers, which are suitable for some fat and large scale insects on the stem or on the back of the leaves. Of course, I will never tell you that there are N cockroaches behind a cockroach. I will only tell you that for scale insects with relatively powerful species, a female lays thousands to thousands of eggs and has two or three generations a year, which is like playing. A small number of scale insects can be killed directly with needles, but it should be noted that scale insects are committed by gangs. There may be a lot of places you can't see!

2. Send it away

Combined with the cleaning solution, the use of air pressure spray pot, or tap water sprinkler to spray water on the affected part, as long as the flow intensity is large enough, it can generally be washed quite clean. Using body wash instead of tap water, individual larvae that have not been sprayed away will also be killed, because scale insects are mainly adults and are more difficult to kill.

3. Alcohol killing method

You can buy that kind of sterilized alcohol in the drugstore with a concentration of 75% or more, you can use a brush to dip in the right amount of alcohol and wipe the insect pests repeatedly, and you can also get rid of scale insects. If the leaf is too dense to wipe, you can directly use alcohol to drench the seriously damaged leaf center. It is recommended to spray the detergent solution. After a few days, if you still find it, continue to use it. It is said to smoke with mosquito-repellent incense, the effect is also good, we can also try! If there are a large number of scale insects, you can consider using body cleaning or alcohol spraying.

4. Spray

Personally, I think the most effective is that Guoguang scale must be treated. I have also used so-called low-toxic insecticides such as Huasheng, Quick-killing (phosphorus killing) and matrine, and the feeling after spraying is not clean. Guoguang scale must be treated to their own advertising is to have a strong fumigation, infiltration, contact and stomach toxicity, can wear the wax shell of scale insects directly act on the insect body, kill nymphs, adults, also have a good control effect on eggs. In addition, a small amount of alcohol can be added when configured, which can improve the control effect, especially for scale insects that have developed drug resistance, the time of spraying is recommended in the evening or evening to avoid drug injuries or burns caused by too strong light.

5. Burying drugs

Using the above method, we can basically kill the visible scale insects, but most of the eggs of the scale insects are in the soil and climb up after hatching (so the succulent plants purchased from the greenhouse should be discarded and the roots should be cleaned properly). In addition, there are root powder scale insects at the bottom of the root. Burying medicine can strangle scale insects in the cradle and kill those invisible root mealybugs. If buried, carbofuran and Bayer small green drugs are good choices. Take carbofuran as an example, carbofuran has internal absorption, stomach poison, contact effect, strong poisoning ability, long residual period, fast effect, not afraid of Rain Water, low cost.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: