
Culture method of potted Golden Thousand Flowers

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Jinwanliang, commonly known as mountain longan in southern Fujian, is a kind of newly developed flower with easy to live and edible fruit. Ten thousand taels of gold, also known as the rich son, after the beginning of autumn, the red fruit can hang on the branches for as long as 16 months, so many people like to buy pots in New Year's Day and spring and put them on the windowsill and the case table.

"Golden Thousand Liang", commonly known as "Mountain Longan" in southern Fujian, is a kind of newly developed flower with easy to live and edible fruit. Ten thousand taels of gold, also known as "rich son", after the beginning of autumn, red fruit can hang on the branches for as long as 16 months, so many people like to buy pots in New Year's Day and spring and put them on the windowsill and case table, which can add a rich and festive atmosphere to the festival. it can also make the New year rich and lucky.

Ten thousand taels of gold is also what we usually call cinnabar root, which coincides with the Spring Festival, symbolizing happiness and auspiciousness. it is the first choice for marriage, opening and housewarming celebration. it is an excellent ornamental fruit plant suitable for indoor potted plants. However, how to cultivate and manage the family potted golden flowers?

1. Breeding time

Ten thousand taels of gold is the best cutting time from late May to mid-June or from late August to early September. Because the temperature is about 25 ℃ to 30 ℃ at this time, it is the most suitable for plant growth.

2. Soil preparation

Gold is preferred by both sexes for shady, moist neutral sandy soil. You can use the purchased nutrient soil, or you can make your own nutrient soil. Preparation method: to prepare nutritious soil with 70% to 80% fertile soil (pond mud, humus, old garden soil, field soil), 10% to 15% coarse sand, 10% to 15% mature oil-free sawdust or unburnt rice chaff ash, other methods can also be adopted. In short, the nutritious soil should meet the requirements of fertile, loose and good drainage performance.

3. Humidity requirements

In the cloudy and humid environment, spring should be arranged on the windowsill with morning and evening light, keep the basin soil moist, spray water to its surroundings and leaves several times to increase air humidity and pay attention to indoor ventilation. The relative temperature of the air in the growing environment is required to be 50-70%.

4. Temperature requirement

The golden winter temperature is controlled between 18 and 24 ℃. When the seasonal fruit turns red, the amount of water should be reduced, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

5. Lighting requirements

Golden ten thousand belong to semi-shady plants, like semi-shady, well-ventilated and short-day growth environment. To create a good environment for it. Can build shading shed: use plastic greenhouse, can also use shading net to make shading shed, require shading rate up to 60% to 90%. In short, it can block the sun, cool and humidify the effect.

6. Watering points

Ten thousand taels of gold need to be watered according to different seasons, weather changes, the size of flowerpots, the drainage performance of flowerpots, and the location of flowerpots. It is usually watered once every 3 to 4 days in spring, 1 to 2 times a day in summer and 2 to 3 days in autumn. Watering time, high temperature in summer and autumn, should be watered in the morning and evening, it is best to water at noon in winter. In short, we should pay attention to timely and appropriate watering, to maintain the wet state of the basin soil, neither dry nor waterlogged.

7. Spread fertilizer

Ten thousand taels of gold should be fertilized according to the size of flower seedlings, different seasons, fruit branches and fruitless branches. Summer and autumn growth is more exuberant, nutrients need more, can be more fertilization; winter and early spring plants are basically in a dormant state, can be less or no application. In a word, we should not only meet the needs of the growth and development of flowers and seedlings, but also prevent the overgrowth of plants and affect the ornamental value. Therefore, the best way is to apply less thick fertilizer, more thin fertilizer, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After the new leaves sprouted, they began to fertilize. When the outdoor temperature is stable above 15 ℃, it can be moved to a semi-overcast balcony or courtyard for cultivation. After the temperature rises at the end of spring, the growth accelerates, so pay attention to the supplement of water and fertilizer.

8. Pruning essentials

Remove the top and pick the heart when the new tip of gold grows to more than 8 cm long to promote branching.

9. Turn the basin and change the soil

As long as gold is properly maintained, it will grow very fast. when it grows to a certain size, we should consider changing it to a larger basin so that it can continue to grow vigorously. The culture soil and composition ratio for basin change can be selected as follows: vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; orchard soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil.

10. Pest control

Leaf spot disease caused by fungi and other bacteria can easily cause local necrosis of leaves, yellow spots or patches, when the whole leaf is withered and shedding, and mottled yellow and green on the leaves after being infected by mosaic virus; suffering from shell insects, red spiders and other damage, the leaves will also become local yellow, and even the whole leaves will wither and fall off. All should be sprayed in time.

The maintenance requirements of ten thousand taels of gold in flowering and fruiting period are relatively high. Mainly pay attention to the supply of water and fertilizer, the demand for water and fertilizer is not high during the viewing period, as long as it is not frozen, it can be arranged in a brightly lit room for a long time, and the viewing period can last until the spring of the following year. The following is the four seasons maintenance and management method of golden ten thousand flowers:

1. Spring

Ten thousand gold flowers are changed once a year between April and May, and should be trimmed properly before changing the basin.

2. Summer

Ten thousand flowers of gold are resistant to high temperature, but not to the sun. Summer should be placed on a brightly lit balcony or indoors. Indoor can be arranged and cultivated as foliage plants.

Ten thousand taels of gold in summer is the peak season for growth and flowering, so we should pay attention to the supply of water and fertilizer. When arranged indoors, we should often spray water around it and leaves, strengthen ventilation, and pay attention to the changes of fertilizer application after flowering.

3. Autumn

Autumn should be placed in the semi-overcast outdoor or brightly lit indoor culture, keep the potted soil moist, arranged in indoor potted plants, should often spray water around it and leaves to strengthen air humidity, stop fertilization.

After the temperature dropped at the end of autumn, the water supply was gradually reduced, wet watering between dry and dry, and outdoor potted plants were moved into indoor or closed balcony with light and temperature of about 5 ℃ before frost.

4. Winter

Ten thousand taels of gold are afraid of severe cold in winter, and the temperature is above 5 ℃ in order to safely survive the winter. winter is the fruit viewing period, which can be arranged in the window sill with light in the morning and evening or bright indoor light, wet watering between dry and dry, so that the basin soil is moist, and when the temperature is high at noon, you can spray water around it and the leaves for several times. The indoor temperature should not be too high, it should be between 5 ℃ and 10 min. The room should be properly ventilated.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: